Something bad is going to happen

I called it in October. Biden would turn against Israel. He’s incapable of doing anything right, decent or moral. Now the satanic treasonous piece of ■■■■ has outright said he will not supply any more weapons that would allow Israel to finish the terrorists off for good. Brilliant thinking you stupid ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ The biggest ally we have, our ally on the front lines of terrorism has been abandoned by the scum bag occupying the White House.
God says he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. The moronic jack ass has brought the wrath of God down on us.

This senile clown has destroyed everything he’s touched. Our economy is tanking, the border is a disaster, we’re a joke on the world stage, gas prices are skyhigh, inflation has brought 2/3 of Americans to the point of poverty and running up record credit card debt, crime is out of control , we have terrorist cells in our own country and this dumb ■■■■ screws over one of our greatest allies, and for what? Votes in Michigan! How about round their terrorist asses up and kick them out of OUR country? No, Joe needs the terrorist vote so he puts us in as much danger as Israel…

How deranged are you Libs to support this ■■■■■■■■

I hope God only brings wrath down on you guys, but unfortunately it usually doesn’t work that way. You’re stupidity is going to cause all of us to suffer more than we already are.

What the hell is wrong with you people?


That’s the spirit.

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Turn against Israel? Didn’t the dude send a couple of carriers, call up a coalition of allies including Saudi Arabia and Jordan to shoot down 99% of all drone and missiles shot at Israel and defend it less then 4weeks ago? What more do you want?
He still sending as many iron dome and missile intercept rockets as Israel wants…


That doesn’t sound very constitutional…


Amunition promissed, that’s what.
President of the USA turning into an Indian Giver…? :roll_eyes:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Maybe IDF shouldn’t be using thousand lb bombs to hit and kill 50 civilians for 1 bad guy?

Does the IDF have any other ammunition they can use like missiles, artillery, and the such?

Ask the world kitchen staff, IDF are pretty good shot with missiles…

But hey let’s ask ourselves…what would Reagan do?

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Lmao the dramatics by some never fail to make me laugh.

The first post in this thread is absolute bonkers, talking about how satanic Biden is and how he has betrayed Israel.

I am sure all those nations that lost soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan would love to know that Israel is Americas biggest ally in the fight against terrorism.

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You took the words right out of my mouth even the ones that were redacted :+1:

The Biden Administration has said that another 9/11 type attack is likely but they just don’t care and will find a way to blame it on their political opponents. :woman_shrugging:

The specific weaponry that Biden is withholding is high tech and very precise so as to avoid as much as possible collateral damage and death which will force Israel to use whatever they have to blow the hell out of their target area indiscriminately, putting Israel in a catch-22 situation and causing more Hamas terrorist supporting protests from idiot ivy league college students.

Biden is stabbing our ally Israel in the back while bold faced lying to us. It’s what Democrat pols do and only fools vote for them. JMO


Democrats are worried that they’ll lose the votes of terrorist enclaves like Dearborn.


What acts of terrorism have been committed by residents of Dearborn?


This is comedy.

Biden is just listening to the supermajority of American voters. There’s no point in trying to appease the 20% clinging to an extremist position.



There are no more civilians at this point. Just terrorists and hopefully soon dead terrorists.


It is not Biden’s business how Israel fights it’s war.


You could have asked SAME question on August 11th a month BEFORE 9/11 happened and you would have been wrong just like you’re wrong NOW.
I wish I had a dollar for every sleeper-cell memmber laughing at your question above.
And…fool me once shame on you…fool me twice…well, ya know. :wink:

last I checked chanting death to america was a terrorist act


To have that and Hesbolah and Hamas flags in America’s most noble institutions and graphities on WH walls… :thinking:
That’s a huge decline in America.
If it’s not bit in the bud it will surely cause America to Rome her self.


I remmember our enemies chanting they will fly their flag over the WH.
They’re half way there.

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Joe’s has no problem taking away the Constitutional rights of Donald Trump and anyone who supports him or is a Republican for that matter. ■■■■ the terrorist supporters in Michigan. And while we’re at it, let’s round up all the dumb ■■■■ terrorist supporters and communist pieces of ■■■■ in our universities too. Send them over to Gaza. Maybe a little first hand experience of what Hamas, or communism actually does to people would change their empty little heads and the stupidity they’re supporting.