Some Dems Want to Make Joining the NRA Illegal

I always liked the claim of “The NRA has them in their pocket! MURDERERS!”

$1.6 million in lobbying in 2019. Sounds like a lot… until you look at it. They don’t even break the Top 100.

Campaign contributions you say? Less than $250k. Doesn’t break the Top 400.

Top all time? SEIU. To whom do they contribute? Guess! Just guess!



Why do the Dems never complain about organizations like that?

NRA - Named Russian Asset

I don’t know, maybe they’ll tell us.

I know that. I was curious to see if anyone on the left would answer. Why supporting some organizations is bad, and supporting others is good.

All better.

How long should I wait?

Why should I feel like that?

Some of us have jobs and arnt on forum all day

Why are you resisting?


Why are you pushing?

Someone has to go make sure boomers get their social security and medicare

Because I don’t like my rights violated. And it’s what I do.

How many hours you put in today?

How my feelings violate your right?

Depends on how you count the hours

You vote.

:rofl: good thing you aren’t a SERE student.

Count them in your favor.

But that’s different then my feeeeeelingsss.