SOCIALIST SLAM: Liberal Superstar TRASHES ‘Wild West’ Capitalism

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New York Democratic socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to make national headlines over the weekend; slamming American-style capitalism as the “wild west” and saying the modern financial system “will not always exist in the world.”

Ocasio-Cortez was speaking with PBS News when she was asked to weigh-in on the robust US economy, with one reporter saying, “the economy is going pretty strong.”

“The economy is going pretty strong. There’s 3.9% unemployment. Do you think capitalism has failed to deliver for working class Americans? Or is it no longer the best vehicle for working class Americans?” asked PBS.

“The numbers you’re talking about is part of the problem. We look at these figures and we say unemployment is low, but employment is low because everyone has two jobs,” said Cortez.

“I do think that we have this no-holds barred, wild west, hyper-capitalism that means profit at any cost. Capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world,” she added.

Watch the revealing exchange above.