So, you really want a discussion on racism?

What naturally is present once nearest to the end of the Journey.
Once there, we are how we arrived.
A MuTant maybe?
“Invaders from Mars”, reference.

He’s about as white as whitey can get.
Trump is just being himself, an American product, good, and bad.
His vigor does not match his age; we forget he’s an older dude!
Trump himself was born into a very racist era in American history.

Joe Biden

Well just went over checked the news on the mobile and this was the number one story.

I highly doubt any country outside of the west following western news would want to deal with this daily madness.

On the issue of who is more racist Trump or Biden?
Might I suggest a bag over each of their heads, and a bat in their hands, close the door wait, and the biggest racist will emerge victorious!
Biden is a sickness, Trump just a bit sick.
But both with lot’s of baggage, Biden uses Racism, and foments it though.

patently false. What we reject are many of the lefts claims of racism. And the outright lie that systemic racism exists today in the US. Systemic racism existed in the days of Jim Crowe, it existed in the days of forced busing, it existed in the days of racial quota’s. Today, it does not exist. All racist policies, laws and regulations have been purged from the system. Are there still racist people? Yep, sure are, Black and White. That’s not gonna change, get over it.

I would no more attempt to convince some backwoods redneck piece of ■■■■ that his confederate flag was a racist symbol that people he does not know and cares nothing for may be offended by than I would try to convince some Urban thugged out equally piece of ■■■■ that his sporting of Malcom X was an equally racist symbol that might offend people he does not know, cares nothing for and likely would like to offend anyway.

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China has straight up internment camps for segment of their popukation

Well, well…


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Yes, Islamists simply kill infidels. Why bother with the “racism” label right?

Impossible. A black man calling a “subordinate” the N word?
Nothing to see here now move along.

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No, it’s not that at all.

What it is, is instead of finding and attacking root causes for society’s problems, you attribute everything to racism.

Here’s an example:

Not enough POC in AP math? It’s racist, get rid of it.

Never mind that the real problem is multi-pronged, it’s easier to just sweep the issue under the ‘racist’ rug and leave it there.

And you wonder why people think you’re schoolmarmish and a Karen? Maybe if instead of seeing yourself as the ‘superior species’ you for once got off your high horse, and actually listened twice as much as you talked. You might learn something.

Crying “racism” is something stupid people do when they have nothing smart to say. lol


No wonder it’s so popular with Libs…

A natural devolution when the most undesirable of all societies congregate into a single hive mind. :wink:

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