So why haven't the arbiters of racism denounced Darwin?

All races came from Adam and Eve, who were Middle Eastern. Jesus is middle Eastern. Jewish. Many of them are black and brown.

I don’t care if Jesus is Black, Brown or White. He’s my Lord and Saviour, God incarnate in genuine human flesh. Maybe black flesh, maybe brown, don’t know and don’t care.

Why permit the racist Darwinian theory continue? Its clearly a delusional theory, not science. Because Progressives (who can find racism behind everything) refuse to confront it where it really is.

They are liars. They don’t care if Dawinism is the cover for more racism, they will run on the issue for the next 10,000 years because to them its the path to power and money. They want people to be victimized so they can pretend to care for the victims.

That’s not a contradiction. I share an ancestor with my cousin, but I’m not descended from my cousin.

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You share a human ancestor with your cousin. You contradicted yourself, but can’t admit it. That’s like double standards, apply one rule to others, another to yourself.

Its just like Progressivism, which claims to fight racism, yet won’t fight Darwinian racism that spawns racism.

This is a very good point. Survival as a goal is an emergent property of the system of reproduction.

Where. Cite the precise example of it, from the fossil record.

Or make it happen in a laboratory so we can observe it.

Any new bigots this week? Boring…

The fact that some racists use an incorrect understanding of the theory of evolution to promote their racism doesn’t invalidate the theory of evolution in any way.

Just ask any Progressive. According to crooked Hillary, there’s a basket of deplorables full of them, millions of Trump supporters. Take you pick.

Odd, Progressives see racism everywhere, but not in Darwin’s racist theory of evolution, which causes racism.

but you are descended from your cousin’s grandfather.

Yes, and? The grandfather is a common ancestor, separate and distinct from the cousin.

I know it’s easy to think about modern animals as having always existed, but that’s not necessarily the case. Unless you’re using “monkey” very coloquialy to mean anything from the primate tree. Perhaps that’s the disconnect.

Survival is a goal of the animal, plant, or organism yes. But evolution itself isn’t some “goal directed” thing. An asteroid hitting the earth and wiping out 80% of the species is jyst as much “evolution” as a successful mutation is. Natural and sexual selection, along with genetic drift/natural disasters, explain WHY speciation occurs, and why the genetic pools and fossil records are the way they are. But there isn’t some “goal” of this thing called evolution - anymore than there is a “goal” of your local weather events.

Yes, that was the thrust of the analogy.

You’re understanding of statistics in the context of evolution is simply wrong.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln were racist, why haven’t you denounced them?

Lol that people in 2018 are still running with the irreducible complexity/ eye argument like it hasn’t been debunked for 50 years

Correct. Evolution isn’t an inherently progressive thing. It CAN be…evolved traits that are beneficial create a feedback loop. But it can also be regressive. It is just as much destructive as it is productive. 99% of species that have ever lived on the earth are extinct

In his case, you can thank Answers in Genesis.

You know what? You are flat out WRONG. There are literally THOUSANDS of web pages about Darwin’s racism and they span the political spectrum.

You literally invented this entire false issue in your imagination, because it just does not exist.

Propaganda works.