So why haven't the arbiters of racism denounced Darwin?

Yes, they are. Including People in Africa. If man evolved from monkeys it didn’t happen in Africa, it happened in China. But why did they single out blacks in Africa? They are racists.

Survival is not a goal?

Those were lies. Just like progressive lies about racism, its for show only. If they really were against racism the y would denounce the racist theory of evolution. Its not only racist, it causes racism. It gives it pseudoscientific justification.

Just like Hollywood profemminist perverts. As long as they lied in public about supporting progressive values, progressives provided them with “do not prosecute” “Get out of Jail” free card.

They have no core values, everything is for expedience. Both Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage, until they weren’t.

So people can’t just change their minds.

They said those things for votes. They were obligated to keep the positions they ran on, not do the opposite. They lied.

Worse, Progressive KNEW they were lying when they said it. It was the rubes who voted for them that were suckered.

No, it’s not a goal. There is no “goal.” Evolution is simply the change in allele frequency in populations of organisms. Organisms with attributes that make them more likely to survive in their environment have a higher chance of procreation and thus continuing the process. It’s not a goal, it’s simply a feature.

Ok. If you say so.

well quite honestly, it’s you libs that are changing their minds. Obama and Hillary were viable candidates when they were against gay marriage. They were not called hateful, bigoted homophobes when they expressed those values. And it was not like it was a different century.
Now, anyone expressing those same views is the target of a concerted character assassination by libs declaring the person to be the most vile, uneducated, hateful, homophobe intent upon installing a theocracy in the United States.

Sure… you all prove that you can change your minds… depending on what the narrative tell you to think.

Impossible theory. Impossible a sightless organism “evolve over time” eyesight. Too much is required for incremental change making “them more likely to survive”. A eye ball without the thousands of other parts required for eyesight, would disadvantage the organism. Walking into trees with useless floppy eyeballs does not enhance survivability.

Lol, even if the multi regional hypothesis was accepted, it’s still based on ■■■■ erectus, wait for it, coming out of Africa.

Confirmation bias. Contrary data is ignored, and there’s tons of that.

Libs disputing purpose in nature…

it’s an old argument against teleology.

Libs might be right - I don’t really know- but I think their opposition to teleology has an ulterior motive. They argue against teleology primarily to nip in the bud any “intelligent design” discussion.

All ancestors are HUMAN:

a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.

So, you contradicted yourself when you said “no humans came from monkeys” but then say “all humans share an ancestor with monkeys”.

Your grasp of eye evolution is quite impressive. You’re not even wrong.

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I do it simply to argue facts.

And I argue those facts as a pretty devout Christian.

People can have any “intelligent design” discussion they want. It simply isn’t within the context of science, however.

Not sure if this is hijacking or not but wondering if Jesus Saves or any others posting believe one race is more sepurior over another? If so, why?

The illogic of evolution, it permeates the entire theory. The idea one can roll 7s endlessly, is absurd.

The premise “chance can create order” is absurd. The million monkeys on a million typewriters till one produces “to be or not to be” is cited as “proof”. But “chance” is mindless, the same monkey will type over “to be or not to be” destroying the order he created. Evolutionists never think that far.

Progressive lie the are against racism. For them its a tool to power and wealth. That is why they don’t squash the pseudoscience of racism, Darwinianism.

Except for the fact that it happened.

American’s opinion on gay marriage has changed dramatically in the last 15 years. It’s not just liberals who changed their minds on the subject.