So what's next?

They’re all you got left…you have nothing else.

This is what happens when you put all your hopes and dreams in one basket.

Must admit thou…it’s sure as hell funny watching libs trip.

OK run with it…

I hope you are including more cruciferous vegetables in your diet.

We got far more new material…all you guys can do is rehash old material.

So who has the advantage?

We are going to count on the combination of your arrogant overconfidence and Trump’s criminal incompetence.

I am glad impeachment is off the table and glad for Mueller’s sound bites about not exonerating and Russian interference.


At least you agree you’ve been a failure on healthcare. Now why don’t you get out of the way and let us do something constructive.

And Mueller gave better sound bits for repugs to use.

Apparently libs think that single blade sword.

What’s the new material? Using socialism/communism to scare people without understanding what either of them are? That’s a good one!

What I see your fall back are those 4 gaggle of crazy hens.

That’s your future.

It is not what the fact are…it’s what you can get the people to believe.

Wasn’t that your motto couple years ago?

Is that why Sean keeps railing on Hillary Clinton?

If that’s the case how did Pelosi reach a budget deal with Mnuchin? You might want to check your facts.

Run with it…

So your admitting that trump is unethical.

I don’t make excuses, I deal in facts. If you don’t think I am correct, please by all means prove me wrong.

They will keep going thereby ensuring an easy reelection of Trump. :+1::smile:

They can’t help themselves.

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Well, some drainage happened.

But, like an infected wound, a whole lot of drainage is needed before it’s healed. And it takes time.

Know what? The whole Mueller affair is a symptom of the swamp. His ability to look at one thing and totally ignore related material wasn’t accidental, by any stretch.

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July 23, 2019 showed that they blew all their capital on a pipe dream.

No it hasn’t. That’s the winger pipe dream.

And then there is that. Repeat of last time. :+1::smile: