So what happens in two weeks after protests?

So liberals don’t give a damn about the pandemic. Thanks for proving my point.


As was I

We do, you cons keep bitching about your rights being taken away so what do we do?

So now you actually care about conservatives? :rofl: :rofl:

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Nope, but you keep us from getting things done.

So what happens in two weeks after protests?

You’re going to have a lot of damage done to cities through out the country. There will be many businesses that may never open again as a direct result. I see nothing positive coming from all of this destruction and it was done senselessly. Now that the bed has been made, it’s what those in that area will lie in for a long time to come.

Yes, consequences of breaking the law has become:

  1. Spit on and fight cop during arrest making sure someone is filming with cell phone.
  2. Processed, detained, arraigned then released.

There will be residents whose source of food, household supplies and medications are gone. In certain areas, public transportation has been suspended. They are going to be helpless unless someone pitches in. The criminals are responsible for the losses, their elected “leaders” are responsible for not allowing the police departments to do the job they are trained to do.

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CHINA! loves it. They were losing the economic war badly, until their co-conspirators, the globalist WHO and the globalist Democrat leadership and the globalist wings of the media helped them out by stalling the US economy with an over-hyped virus and the looting and destruction of US businesses.

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The looters will be looting from the looters?

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That reminds me if an incident many years back. My family took in Maori couple and their two kids who had been evicted. The husband was a gang enforcer and drug dealer who had made moves to live instead under Jesus Christ’s rule. To help him make the transition to honest work, I took a contract job with him picking kiwifruit. There was a dispute one day in the orchard over a radio/CD player. One boy was accusing the other of stealing it from him.
“It’s mine. You stole it off me.”
" But it’s not yours. You stole it yourself."
“Yeah. Well, it’s mine. I stole it first.”

Last year I was dispatched to take a “stolen” vehicle report from a guy. The guy and his whole family was a known serial shoplifter on a massive scale. To the tunes of hundreds of dollars every day he and he his family steal. Their scheme was that they would receipts in parking lots of places like Walmart and then go find those same items on shelves and then go return them for cash. They spread the returns out between family members so that it wasn’t always the same person day after day. Night I busted him he and his 14 year old brother, who was part of the whole ring, had nearly $500 of goods (Walmart loss prevention had caught on).

He didn’t learn his lesson though as he and his family kept doing it and he and others got re-arrested several times. They were only getting caught a fraction of the times they succeeded though. And as non violent crimes the push here like everywhere is to not lock them up.

So now he wants to report that his drug buddy took his car and hadn’t brought it back. I literally started laughing. It wasn’t the most professional thing but I couldn’t help. I literally said something like this is really rich, you a serial thief now wants to report something got stolen from you. He didn’t find it funny which made me just laugh more. Not my finest hour in terms of professionalism but it was so hysterical.


If the virus spikes, and kills many people, Trump get’s blamed.
If the virus doesn’t spike, then we know his lockdown was uneeded, and he destroyed our, not his, economy, and he still gets blamed.
Sit tight 2 weeks we’ll know, I just hope were ready.

Some encouraging news here:

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But no graduation ceremony because you know, might kill grandma.

This is different. :roll_eyes:

Of course they do. Some are wearing masks! :rofl:

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You’re also going to see a lot of people moving out of the cities. Many have been moving out of NYC already (for example).

Businesses will question this for years to come. If the police are not there to protect their property, then why invest?

Perhaps some innovator will come up with a “sprinkler system” that safely incapacitates looters and flash mobs so all the police have to do is scoop them up and put them in jail (where they belong).

Help is on the way.

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Nope, if the virus doesn’t spike then the lockdown worked.