So to all radical lib Millennials out there

:point_up: quoted giant text wall for that.

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I am talking about how sovereign debt works.

It isn’t necessarily about collection vs expenditure since the main thing that has to be worried about is inflationary effects.

I know how sovereign debt works. You really over complicated what I was saying.


Fair enough

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Lib on Lib! Cease Fire! Cease Fire!

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What you are ignoring is WHY the US is able to go into debt at the tune of over 22 trillion dollars. Why couldn’t Greece and Venezuela do that?

Greece doesn’t have control of its own currency and Venezuela relies on a single natural resource to fuel its economy.

So there really is not comparison to the largest economic power whose sovereign currency is the world reserve.

And that’s my point it is our private sector economy and its global success that has given our government the ability to do what it does.

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Well that and when the US was a rising industrial power the rest of the world was really interested in blowing itself up.

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He has butt in his name.

Their ganna do what their told, like good little girls and boys. It doesn’t matter who their nomination is, or what they stand for. This is a generation raised upon electronics. And most of the social media in this country is owned and ran by Liberal Lobbyssts, and Liberal Donors. Like Buzz Buzz :honeybee::honeybee:Jeffrey from Amazon(Feel the Buzz!! lol), Or tweet tweet from twitter, or Marky Mark Suckerberg from Facebook.

Most Millennials are to immature to think for themselves on a political bases, so the Liberal Media and Liberal Politicians do it for them. Why does anyone think that the Dumby Dem Dem Politicians want to lower the voting age in this country?

Most younger kids have no clue about politics in general.