So to all radical lib Millennials out there

“I agree with you”… :rofl:

Exactly. Liberals don’t speak for me. I agree with him. Do you have a problem with that?

Take for example Social Security.

How is it that the Government owes money to itself with money that it owns?

A lot of the talk about the debt is a shell game. The part of the debt that is important are the T bills that go into keeping the world currency market functioning… and that is why there will always be a debt of some sort or another.

Having a debt isn’t bad. It is what a sovereign spends it on that is good or bad.

Flameheart/Cynic, take a break.


Where did the Government get “their” money. I don’t know about you, but I paid a payroll tax out of my income for social security from the time I was 16 until I retired. How is that “their” money?

The discussion is not about good or bad, it’s about is or isn’t. The government does not have any money that does not come from the people one way or another.

Is there now a consecutive post exchange limit with the same member?

Well… where does money come from?

What you receive for your labor is a trade of currency for your effort. But you don’t in any way “create” that money. So the government extracting taxes from you using currency it creates serves what purpose do you think?

You said Democrats are against cutting taxes… you didn’t qualify that statement with “for the rich”

Funny how millennial in my family all opposes Bernie…but again it might be that rural Ohio upbringing. We never try to cater to em, they just integrated right into our system.

Wonder why that is?

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Are you forgetting where this conversation started? The issue is whose money is it, not what is money.

It started with me about sovereign debt.

The key to what that debt means is how the sovereign money is creates and used.

They had gotten personal, and going downhill quick. It was a self imposed break or a forced one.

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Sanders is disliked by many. Myself included.

Will not be pushing the vote button on his Candidacy any time soon.

In fact, if he wins the dem nomination.

I will cast a protest vote.


It’s the value, not the ink and paper.

You’re not feeling The Bern like you were in '16?

No … it started here:

As far as I could tell, they both still had smiles on their faces. :wink:

Yep it is 2016 2.0
Feel the Bern.

Yes. And that is where I pointed out where you were wrong.

A sizable chunk of Government expenditure is from debt that no one will ever pay off.

The ink and the paper are the value.