So, President Trump Wanted to Invade Venezuela

Try selling that to Wall Street, Foggy Bottom, or Bill Kristol

Antarctica doesnā€™t exist.

Itā€™s a myth perpetuated by the globalist leftist Marxists who deny a flat earthā€¦


Keep on the path weā€™re going, and weā€™ll find out soon enough if we can get by without the rest of the world.

Sounds like a simple risk assessment.

Why are we arguing semantics? Invading Venezuela and establishing them a US territory would probably be the best thing that has ever happened to those people.

The dems jump up and down and shouted ā€œAmerica is Greatā€ when Obama bombed Libya and took out itā€™s leader. Libya was doing fine compared to Venezuela when dems blew it up ā€¦

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And just to be clear, I was assessing the potential for an invasion of Venezuela well before Trump came along. This isnā€™t political.

Since it would be so wonderful to invade Venezuela, Iā€™m sure youā€™re going to enlist the day the news is announced.

Itā€™s a fascist socialist leader, so leftist are fine with starvation as history proves.

Just bomb them like Obama did Libya. Then the will the dems love the idea?

Iā€™m absolutely amazed that anyone thinks this is a good idea. Jesus what a complete lack of IQ Trumpists have.

But the childrenā€¦

Iā€™m fine with staying out of the regime change business.

You can help them out after you enlist for the invasion.

So the invasion of Venezuela would be a NATO venture?

Is that what made dems love bombing Libya from our carriers?

I bet Obama was helping Chavez at first, soā€¦

So Trump should invade one random country because Obama bombed another random country? Thatā€™s some great military strategy right there.

Didnā€™t the main character from Avatar get paralyzed fighting in Venezuela?

The Whataboutism is strong with the Trumpanzees

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