Smoking will be banned in Britain, Charles confirms in King’s Speech

Some suggest the startling increase in the incidence of Parkinson’s disease, is due to the decrease in tobacco smoking and even secondary tobacco smoke exposure… it is a fact that smokers get much less Parkinson’s. onsets than non-smokers and there is a true correlation of an inverse relationship between smoking and PD.

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In my teen years I used to go to a Gov. farm where they grew tabaco and work for spending money stripping leafs that went to the factories.
My hands were brown from all the oils … :sweat_smile:
Btw way I have a Poppy-seed plant…gorgeous flower.
Bargain viewing for a dollar… :wink:
But seriously…it’s a good thing. They should also do something with alcohol.
They drink like a fish…young, old and in between… :wink:

Well…I like that.

I agree…if you watch British TV, [except the news], someone is always holding a hard liquor drink and a cigarrette, work, play, or whatnot.
0700 AM and they hold a glass.

All you little ■■■■■■ butt puffers better listen to King Chuck! :rofl:


So true, the ban in pubs has done a lot to make it more pleasant to go out but now it seems everyone vapes.

My daughter who is nearly 30, who has always been a non smoker started vaping a while back. Stupid girl.


SMOKING will be banished in Britain for youngsters, King Charles confirmed today.

…but will only be applied to non-Muslims.


I’m going to hope there’s also a positive smoking relationship with herb too. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Weed doesn’t cause illness or death, but I’d recommend not smoking it. Just make cookies!

It’s nicotine that may be preventing the disease, not the smoke itself. If this studies proves a direct correlation, nicotine can be used without smoking. Just like the benefits of weed, it’s thc and cbd and other various chemicals that produces the positive results, not the smoke itself.

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Probably because smokers tend to die from the diseases that it causes before they get old enough to come down with Parkinson’s. The average age at diagnosis of Parkinson’s is 60. Anything earlier than 50 is considered early onset.


It is not established, yet research has been done using straight nicotine and there was nothing conclusive–no miracle cure for a monstrous disease, effecting more and more people today.

Theoretically, it is probably related, because of the natural role of endogenous nicotinic acid and the stimulus barrier effect, but the only things definitive at this time establishes the inverse relationship between PD and smoking or secondary smoke.
(It may be that nicotine and content of smoking kick starts a blood brain barrier assist, that helps dopamine and acetylcholine production and utilization.
There could be an unidentified factor )


This was already considered and decided against by the studies.

Whether it is a genetic mutation or centuries of the populace self-medicating with nicotine, and/or common toxins, which smoking helped neutralize… the answer may come. PD effects many age groups.

I don’t see how they could decide that. For all they know is that the genetic predisposition to get Parkinson’s also increases the likelihood that the diseases that smokers are prone to develop sooner and progress more rapidly.

I never understood that.

Vapes are to help smokers quit smoking.

There’s no reason for someone who is a non smoker to vape. Half of my coworkers are like that.

I vape some myself but it’s because I’m trying to quit my decade long smoking habit.

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Now, now Six, be nice… :rofl:


Vaping is very bad for your lungs, my PCP gave me chantix and within 2 weeks I was done, after 20+ years. That was over 8 years ago.

If the UK (or any other country) truly wants to end smoking in a generation (or 2), the best and easiest way to do it would be to outlaw single pack sales.

A carton has 10 packs.
Make the minimum purchase 1 carton.

There will be almost no new smokers.
(Will new tobacco users simple switch to vaping? I dunno, maybe.)

In reality there’s virtually no freedom that government can not take from the pee-ons for the sake of the "greater good. "

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I was. :rofl: