Smoking will be banned in Britain, Charles confirms in King’s Speech

Looks like they are going to go ahead and do it.

BTW, the article contains a British slang for cigarettes that obviously a wee bit different meaning in the United States.

It will be a free, unwhipped vote in Parliament, but Labour has announced its support so it should pass easily.

Rishi Sunak will mount an historic crackdown on cigarettes by raising the legal age every year until there are no smokers left.

Well, that seems dumb.


Well that’s stupid.

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Unfortunately, all it will do is unleash a black market.


Especially when you consider they are literally across the channel from the biggest bunch of smokers the world has ever seen. The French.

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Just so everyone understands this is not King Charles imposing his will on the people but the King delivering Sunak’s priorities as the Prime Minister.

Will smoking be illegal, or will it just be illegal to sell cigarettes?

Eventually it would become totally illegal to buy or use.

At the moment, it will just stop sales starting with those that turned 14 this year (or possible next year).

But the restrictions would get harsher year by year until a total ban is in place in the 2030’s.



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I think Charles secretly had a difficult time delivering this speech. Unlike his Mother, it is known his sympathies lie with Labour. :smile:

BTW, I have some ornamental tobacco plants growing on my property.

And you can have a leaf for the very cheap price of $100.00.



the king has almost zero influence on the law making process.


Even if bans make a black market, eventually participants will become a little bit shy about throwing their trash on the ground everywhere in public.

Is there anything comparable to cigarettes that aren’t already banned? IE, something that is addictive and kills those that use it. I guess you could say alcohol, but alcohol isn’t manufactured to be addictive.

i bet they legalize pot tho

if not already

Is that government purview?


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Wow! When the wife and I toured around England 40 years ago, I’d estimate that 80% of Brits smoked. You couldn’t get away from it anywhere in public.