Six replies per day limit for new posters?

Hahahahahahaha. At least I know my limitations.


Got into a discussion with NF and I noticed I was eating up my allotted posts. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just read it.

Is there a wiki or something with this new forum that shows the privileges that come with each user level? I don’t see it spelled out in the faq.

Edit: Found the categories under the hamburger menu > badges. It doesn’t really specify what it takes to graduate to the next level but they are generally described there.

That video is hilariously terrible. Smash mouth is way better.

Please move me up. I was ShinGouki on the other forum.

If I could get a Posting Bump Illegal_Alien AKA Mortal_Wombat

How can you tell if you’ve been upgraded? And if I haven’t been yet I’d like to be

The women will start hitting on you.

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Lol CIM. Illegal you were already 3, this just unlimits your posts per day. Moonshine you’re up. Red Comet up as well.

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Lol nope I am all dude.

Oooh!! Pick me pick me! Do I need a reference :kissing_heart:

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This new board is great! Love it!

I’d humbly argue it is a new and improved Joanne, as we all get better each and every day. :wink:

In all seriousness, I’m glad to see you make the transition my friend. :smiley:

JayJay - A pox on your house for subjecting the forum to this. :rofl:

At first I thought it was an SNL skit, but as it continued, it dawned on me that this was actually a real music video and song. I just, I have no words to express how horrible that was. :flushed:

So, I’ve only got six posts to use today? Does that roll over at midnight or do I have to wait a whole 24 hours before it refreshes?

I’m stunned you’ve never heard of this before. It’s the most hated YouTube video ever, IIRC.

Rebecca Black ended up making another video called “Saturday” where she essentially made fun of herself for Friday.

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Oh thanks. You’re the best. :grinning:

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You’ll get a notification in your status bar. Just click on your avatar in the top right of the screen to see the notification bar.

You are upgraded.