Since trump Is Busy Apologizing For DEMOCRATS Bad Behavior, He Ought To

Your knowledge of history is beyond belief.

Damn rats.

It’s far more appropriate to use the honorable judge Jeanine’s DEMONRAT classification.

This is mindnumblying stupid lol

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you appear to be cortez confused. This is rock solid strategy. Trump should absolutely do this. No downside.

Our founding fathers were slave owners I guess that makes @ohknow35 a racist

huh. What happened to all your love of confederate flags and statues and your southern heritage? Where all did that suddenly go?

You seem angry, maybe a vacation would do you good. You guys love those Confederate war reenactment retreats, maybe try one of those.


Trumpists dont know who they are

Since when did democrats force blacks to have abortions?

  1. Trump should also apologize for our country denying interracial marriage
  2. If he does all this he’ll lose the white Supremacist/neo-Nazi vote

Trump doesn’t apologize.
Other people apologize to Trump.
Right before he fires them.

Ahhh the things people will do to help themselves sleep at night.

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Yes Conservative Democrats did some terrible things here in the south! I’m glad you share my outrage.

I also forgot to include

-Rioting and looting

  • Burning down American cities
    -Cop killing

All DEMOCRAT party concoctions as well.

If trump doesn’t apologize to black Americans on behalf of the DEMOCRATS then there may never be an apology at all… Just look at all of the excuse making going on in this thread.

People blaming others over 100 years later for the bad behavior of their own party is about as close as they’ll ever get to apologizing.

This thread was brought to you by nuance, support also came from semantics.

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That’s exactly what you’re doing since the actual mass exodus of black voters from one party to the other and conservatives flocking to the party of Lincoln (which was the liberal party of their day).

I’m for Donald Trump apologizing. I want him to lose the white supremacist vote.

This thread really backfired.

Be prepared to hear some lies about Sanger.