Since libs are all upset that Trump decided to pull our troops back

They had been stopping it. They stopped it until the time they were removed. What more proof do you need.

Here’s not speculative - the US used to stand for its principles and its allies. Even if it were difficult and lives were lost. If what you say is true, that an attack on our Kurdish allies was imminent and could have led to a loss of US lives, then Trump is a coward. His cowardly act abandoned our principles and our ally.

I thought the US didn’t run from danger. It seems that’s exactly what you think we should do.


The topic of trump abondoning reliable allies using the excuse to remove trips from foreign lands then 48 hours later deploying 38x as many in another country to protect THAT countries interest? Yeah im on it…are you lifeboats riders?


No one here is a politician, so no point in addressing us like we are.

I certainly hope there are some politicians on both sides of the aisle who will do so.

so hawkish these days.

super wow

Not to mention that it was from Saudi that the 9/11 terrorists actually came, and that Saudis treat their women like ■■■■■ and that they are not our friends…


Seen a lot of outrage from both sides haven’t you?

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Kick the Turks out of NATO, then attack 'em.

That is not what hawkish mean…it’s actually the exact opposite. See the removal of those troops and the president cowing to a dictator and giving the green light for a massacre to occure is what precipitated the conflict. Adding 1900 troops to protect Saudi Installation is hawkish. Your boyfriend did that and your side chick sisters are defending that


Vs the Kurds who have female military comanders that terrified ISIS …

So what you’re saying is that that the president of America, the world’s last military superpower, was so afraid that Turkey would invade and kill Americans he withdrew in the face of saber rattling?

Dude, the Turks been rattling their sabers for five years. But I like your argument that Trump was punked out by a country that barely makes the G-20.


Who wants to tell me why the Hmong are one of the largest minority groups in the Twin Cities?

you lose all credibility when you bust out “your boyfriend”

i suspect based on your posts you are gleefully ignorant of the situation and so just myna bird cnn

should we abandon kurds? do they have the means to defend themselves? it’s a shame to leave them, but if so why we there? are we the “police force” of such regions? can turkey be trusted? should they stay in nato? seems to me they are becoming more and more murderous of civilians (hmm wonder why). the whole region is becoming less trustworthy, insane and dysfunctional. trump may have been naive on that. who’s ypur friend or not there? maybe thus explains all the “green on blue” deaths.

posters should strive to get informed on the topic before busting out hard positions.

Again, the Conservatives of 2002 are now Dems?

You want to talk history?

I’m a liberal.

Not much room to fit money when it is attached to Trumps gluteus maximus.

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Nah, let’s talk current events.

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How convenient.

ha even more-so. troops deployed in regions no one knows nothing about to die for reasons no one knows anything about. cnn loves this now.

Notice how he is ignoring this…

There is no argument…trump threw him under the bus and then nuked him