Silly Nancy Pelosi wants to talk about 25th Amendment

Does anyone else remember when mueller fizzled out and all the libs were saying “okay, we’ll just vote him out.”

Then Trump made “The perfect phone call” and they went ■■■■■■■ crazy, and when that didn’t work out they said “okay, we’ll vote him out.”

And now this.


Piglosi is a lunatic to push a 25th constitutional measure to remove President Trump. TDS is really a mental disorder.

Piglosi is crazy. Last blow dry she got for her hair must have removed her brains. She is in her 80s and out served her usefulness.


Our President had the perfect debate and also the perfect response to Piglosi’s grand standing bail out bill.

There is no “could” to her mental demise.

And that impacts her, how? She was negotiating and he pulled the plug.

She did not negotiate, jack. She is obstructing. Piglosi is the star of the gong show.

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She made list of demands to bail out her lib cronies.

Trump obstructed. Negotiations were in the final stage


Why did Pence cancel his Indiana appearances? Why is he heading straight to DC?

Um…well…but…you see…I…okay then.

Carry on.


I didn’t like the debate. But he did have the perfect response to her today.

She’s just clowning for the cameras at this point.

This thread was inspirational. Soros must be applying the pressure and this woman cracked.

In January 2021, they will try it all over again.

And the universe will spit in their collective eye… again.

Because it’s fun and it triggers Donald.

Not all political stunts stem from desperation.


okay, we’ll vote him out.

We’ll see what happens.

Landslide baby.



And look what happens when something Constitutional is mentioned.

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