Sidney Powell: Fire hose of evidence showing election fraud

Why prematurely launch a case, when you have more time to build a stronger case? Be patient.

LOL. You DONā€™T have time.

What unconstitutional thing do you imagine state lawmakers are being pressured to do? Is it not unconstitutional to pressure election officials to sign off on election figures that donā€™t balance and have no rational explanation for the discrepencies?

So the truth is you have none. Thanks for clearing it up.

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What are his qualifications? Does he know what he saw.


That is proof LOL. He said he would do something and didnā€™t do it, yet has full unmitigated authority to. He repeated it several times and STILL nothing. Thatā€™s rock solid Ace. He is lying. Again.


Remember this one?

Wait till he is out of office and schmoozing with the Mar a Lago members.

Yeahā€¦ that one can be a real concern.

I want to think that President Trump would be able to keep the nationā€™s secrets under wrapsā€¦ I want to think the best of his soon to be life as an Ex Presidentā€¦ but he owes a lot of people a lot of money and he is the most transactional leader in like ever.


Not to mention just plain impulsive.

So, has Powell shown any of this alleged evidence in court yet? I havenā€™t been able to find any documentation where she has presented it in court for some odd reason. You would think if she had done so, it would be all over the news.


Pennsylvania and Michigan certify on Monday. Nevada on Tuesday. Time is running out.

Georgia certified yesterday. I think he can now formally request a recount in GA, but not sure if he will or not.

Iā€™ll bet that he does. If the vote is within 0.5% then the campaign can request it and the cost is borne by the State.

If it was greater, then Iā€™m assuming they can still request a recount, but the campaign would have to pay. If that were the case and I was Georgia, Iā€™d say pay up front before we start given Trumps history of not paying debts.

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So the GSA should release funds next week because the winner would be 100% apparent.

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Giuliani have a ridiculous answer that in order to introduce the evidence they have in court, they first have to set it up by ā€œsetting up a contestā€.

I donā€™t even know what the ā– ā– ā– ā–  that meant.

You donā€™t have to ā€œset it upā€ with anything. You have evidence of fraud, you bring it to the authorities to investigate.

Exactly. Report any fraud to the appropriate authorities, and they can take care of it from there. Fraud isnā€™t investigated by ā€œcontests.ā€ It is investigated through investigationsā€¦

It took the Dems 3 YEARS for them to find evidence of collusion, wasting bIllions of taxpayer money. And after a few weeks, you think this is conclusive that there was no fraud? Give me a break.

Sidney Powell said she has tons of evidence and itā€™s a slam dunkā€¦plenty to kick off an investigation. In fact she derided the media for not doing it.

She has stated she KNOWS Biden has about 10 million fewer votes than his reported total and Trump has 7 million more.

Sounds like they are set to go.

Iā€™m totally trusting her, you know.

PS We see through the Doublethink here. Youā€™re not inscrutable.