I know you are a black man, and I respect your opinions on many subjects.
However, there are many other black people who would disagree with your assessment that human rights and liberties has been achieved for black Americans. Polls disagree with you as well.
On paper, you are basically correct. In reality, not so much according to, the reality we see everyday…and as I mentioned the polls that say otherwise.
People will say that it’s race. But perhaps they are confusing race for economics?
I used to think it was race as well. But then I noticed poor whites, getting the same treatment as poor Black people. It’s literally the same.
Even the driving while black thing that is commonly expressed can be traced back to laws that disproportionately hurt the poor. Like improper equipment regulations (a tail light being out as a reason to pull someone over).
And the cops tend to talk to everyone like they are garbage. Unless they know you.
I’d like to read that article. Because I’ve never heard about that.
We do age differently than most white people. We tend to look younger as we get older. One of those benefits of dark skin and a lot of melanin I guess. My dad doesn’t look dramatically older than I do and he’s 53 now.
Here’s the problem: because of economic differences, if you just “normalize” for race, the results are going to skew by race since the economic status of the average black and white person differ.
You could take the average incarceration rates for the “average white person” and compare it to the “average black person” and it will look racially skewed because the average white and black person are not economically the same.
We will start having the same problems we have in our public schools. Once the racially determined quotas are hit for sentencing then it will be assumed systemic racism played a part and a lighter sentence, if any will be given. Crime will increase when the punishment for it carries no weight.