Should Presidents and Governors have pardon powers?

If they can show scienter, absolutely. Lock her up.

:rofl: she was briefed. Stupidity is no excuse.

Yes, they should.

Yes, they should have that power.

It’s unfortunate but inevitable that it will abused from time to time.

We had a democrat governor in TN in the 70’s that certainly didn’t need the power to pardon. He started selling pardons to murderers who were in prison.

Quite the scandal! They swore Lamar Alexander into office 3 days early to head off another big round of pardons from Ray Blanton.

Scienter is required for the law to be broken.

And because sometimes it’s just the right thing to do.

Many times it is the only way a wrong can be righted.

There isn’t supposed to be a check on it. It is a power solely left to the exec.

All power is subject to abuse which is exactly why we should limit the power of gov’t so as to avoid such abuses to begin with.

The whole point is to try and catch him in a perjury trap.

The judge seems pretty convinced the sole purpose for going after him is to attempt to get him to incriminate Trump.

No new evidence has been presented in the case.

I can disagree with who is pardoned sometimes but can’t disagree whether the president or governor has the authority to do so!

No it isn"t. Involuntary manslaughter is a good example.

And she had scienter. She was briefed.

No, it isn’t. And it most doesn’t apply to criminal law. It has to do with contract and tort law.

The answer to the question the op posed is yes. Except in impeachment cases for obvious reasons.

Checks and balances.


So nay to law and order from Snow. Got it.

Either we are a nation of laws or we are not.


Based on the non prosecution of Hillary so far it appears we are not.

Is Clinton in jail?

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