Should Presidents and Governors have pardon powers?

Do I have to explain the message that is sent by pardoning Arpaio? You can’t be THAT obtuse.

If new evidence was uncovered yes.

If no new evidence was uncovered no. <— this would point to a political prosecution and that should never be done.

Do I have to explain the message that is sent by commuting drug dealers with gun charges? You can’t be THAT obtuse.

Arpaio was pardoned for a misdemeanor, was he not?

Please dont tell me you are defending that piece of ■■■■■

Why would you get that impression?

Might have read your last post wrong.

I’m not. It’s just hard for me to work up any outrage over a pardon of a misdemeanor for the fog of drug dealing with gun charges.

Arpaio is not a good person. He is a criminal. John Wesley Hardin got a pardon after serving 18 years for killing a deputy. He became a lawyer.

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I got you. Arpaio is more than just a bad person, he is a terrible person. He deserved a prison sentence.

For misdemeanor contempt of court? He’s like 90, you think you’re going to rehabilitate him?

We don’t put people in prison for being terrible, we put them away for crimes.

Exactly my thoughts.

Were I a president or governor, I would make it known that pardons would be rare (if not nonexistent) during my term.

On the flip side, I would not seek to end that power for governors or presidents.

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He committed a crime, and prison wouldn’t be for rehabilitation, it would be for punishment. A person charged with upholding the laws should be held to a higher standard of not breaking them.

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If he was investigated by the FBI and cleared, isn’t a second investigation of the same thing double jeopardy?

Ok. I could obviously respond with Clinton, but I’m tired of that.

No. That doesn’t apply to investigations.

I haven’t exactly been whining about gun violence. You must be thinking of somebody else.

In any event, regardless of how we feel about a particular person, arbitrary disparities such as crack vs powder need to be corrected.

I am thinking of the Drug Dealer pardoner.

There’s two ways to correct disparities, especially those with gun charges.

I used to believe in the President having the absolute power to pardon, but I don’t really believe that anymore. Trump’s pardon of his political buddy Arpaio was as bad as Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich, and Arpaio is now out here running for a six-year Senate term at 86 years old.

Exactly. Succinct and mirrors my sentiment!

Whataboutisms arent sufficient. I know you arent defending the guy now because you made that clear. What I’m trying to say is what this dude did unimpuned for 2.5 decades was absolutley unacceptable. He violated the rights of hundreds of not thousands of people. Having read many of your posts about the subject of rights and your distaste for centgov policies, I would think you’d be one of the most outspoken critics of this ■■■■■■■■

He wasn’t convicted of any of that. He was convicted of misdemeanor contempt and that’s what he was pardoned for.

If he was convicted of rights violations I’d be writing letters to Trump right now.