Should Plastic Recycling Be Mandatory?

For recycling all recycling goes into one can. Then there is organic waste and non recyclable garbage which is like lint.

Well, that’s a hell of a thing.

Probably counting the beer cans, too.

Aluminum cans bring 50 cents a pound in these parts. The high price was 80 cents a pound more than a decade ago.

You can find plans for a diy shop made can crusher online. Really helps cut down on the volume while hoarding up empty cans.

Or you can do what my uncle does. Pinch them in in the middle, N-S then E-W, then stomp on them. :slight_smile:

My size 16s need no pinching in the middle.

Where I live a private company placed recycle containers in cities around the county. They had to schedule more pickups because demand was greater then they expected. They lasted six months before they pulled out. They gave the reason of they were losing money because of the distance involved in taking stuff to a recycling center.

Surely someone can invent a “recycle machine” you can buy on amazon and put in your garage. Maybe it will spit out some recycled stuff idk like a cool hat

Wouldn’t do much for me, I don’t buy stuff that comes in aluminum cans. I drink tea made from loose leaf tea, water and my beer is in bottles.

My mom and sister love their Diet Coke (blech) so I get my chance to sell cans. I can’t try to keep root beer or Dr Pepper around because I would suck it down too fast … it would get expensive.

Here I will cure you of your love of Dr Pepper. Ever noticed it kind of tastes like prunes?

Traveled to Colombia a few months ago and all public places have two bins, one for plastic and the other for regular trash, it pleasantly surprised the hell out of me.

Placing your plastic in the blue bins with the circular arrows on them is not recycling. What happens to that plastic after it leaves the curb?

Noticed? In the last year I’ve somewhat reassessed my opinion of that old story. But it takes about an hour of walking around after drinking maybe 40oz at a sitting and then not always so it’s not strong evidence since two big cups of anything will loosen up stuff with some walking around.

Also, I like prunes anyway.

Actually ai wasn’t claiming there are prunes in it and was unaware it was a rumor that has been going around for decades that was strong enough that they had to come out and deny it until now. It’s just that someone said it tasted like bubbly prune juice to them to me once and after that, every time I drank it all I could taste was prunes and it put me off it.

Mandatory banning as an act of the Federal Gov.


If states and municipalities want it I have no problem with that.

You are aware that, except for root beer, sodas often got their start as things to help digestion? That’s where the pep in Pepsi comes from for instance.

Well, there’s that 10th Amendment and no delegated power thing that says it shouldn’t be … but Arbitrary Government rather than constitutional governance has been the federal’s way since FDR and company kicked the Constitution to the curb.

Dr pepper tastes different lately like they changed the ingredients

Dumped in the ocean probably