Should Donald Trump Declare a National Emergency to Build the Wall?

Seems to me that with veto power he can hold them forever.

Maybe 3 or 4.

Doesn’t matter because he knows best. His glorious gut will lead him to the right answer. Or chocolate cake

Who’s working on that? Rudy and Suculow?

For now. But as this drags on, the numbers will increase.

Might be a glitch in Donny’s plan.

Empty threat. The dems called his bluff.


Hey, he was working really hard while you, the Democrats, and a bunch of other deadbeats were enjoying themselves on New Year’s Eve! Donald’s the hardest working president in show business.


If he does it the next democrat president should declare climate change a national emergency. It would be more valid. Maybe have it be a campaign platform.

Good idea.

Who would stop him?

“Elections have consequences”.

I don’t remember anyone declaring Obama’s shut down or any of the prior shutdowns national emergencies.

If the caravans continue he’ll have a strong argument to declare one, deploy the military to the border and use DOD funds to secure the border with physical barriers.

If they don’t, he won’t have such an argument to make although I personally believe the drugs, money, guns, and violent criminals crossing the border alone would justify it.

Except there’s nothing the US can do about “climate change” that could justify such a declaration.

Preety week opinion.

President’s take an oath to “protect the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic” so securing the border absolutely falls within the powers of the president as is the use of the military to accomplish same.

If the border is going to keep getting surged by thousands at a time he’s got a very strong constitutional position.

One problem at a time. The problem with the southern border is not just about economics, it’s also where the majority of illegals are entering.

And the southern border is a far greater threat for terrorists and violent criminals of all kinds entering the US than the Northern border.

Attack the biggest problem first.

He already did that and it was a waste of resources…
How about we do something smart for a change with the border…?

No he hasn’t. All that has been done is a small deployment of troops to provide support.

I’m all for doing something “smart”. Let’s secure the border with physical barriers, electronic monitoring, provide the BP with the resources and manpower it needs to do the job including rapid response teams, increase the number of ICE agents by ten fold so they can do a proper job of interior enforcement, and cut off all federal funds to sanctuary cities and states.

Actually he did…a deployment is a deployment is a deployment…its not the job of the military to patrol our borders…it was a waste of resources and nothing more.

Yeah we dont need all that…we need judges…and to work with other nations to get them to have a viable and safe nation so these people wont leave.