Should Democrat presidential candidates recuse themselves from impeachment trial?

Libs are still drooling out the “hE’s StIlL iMpEaChEd!” line.

Their brains haven’t gotten past that point yet. They need more time. :man_shrugging:

Not for President.

They’re already guilty themselves of the articles of impeachment against President Trump so I’d say they’ll just continue with their illogical, illegal, and un-Constitutional seditious behavior, they have no shame and believe they are above the law.

The Republicans did not ask for one witness that could have cleared the matter of what Trump was doing with the Ukraine and the aid.

Well that’s not true…they asked for David Hale, Tim Morrison, and Kurt Volker. And guess what? They all testified.

But of the other people with actual first hand knowledge of the actual events that were being investigated

Rudy Giuliani didn’t appear on their list.
John Solomon didn’t appear on their list.
Lev Parnas didn’t appear on their list.
Mike Pompeo didn’t appear on their list.
Mick Mulvaney didn’t appear on their list.
Mark Duffy didn’t appear on their list.
Viktor Shokin didn’t appear on their list.

Hmm…all these people supposedly would be excellent witnesses for Donald Trump…but not only did they not appear on the list…Trump actively blocked most of them from testifying.

Instead the Republicans wanted to use the hearing, not to exonerate Trump, but to “backdoor investigate” Hunter Biden and Burisma…and also to out the whistleblower.

Now you tell me…if all of the above people would have exonerated Trump…why did the GOP not ask for them?

And why now is Rudy Giuliani going on OANN with his “earth shattering evidence” on Biden and Burisma as opposed to voluntarily showing it to a public Congressional committee?


It does seem singularly bizarre that the Republicans would not call witnesses that ostensibly would have cleared the now impeached President D Trump.

We’ll take it under advisement.

What is the conflict of interest that they have that Graham and Mitch do not? If Trump was impeached and removed from office - They don’t automatically become President.

In fact -one could make a strong argument that running against Trump will help them more then running against Pence. So What exactly is the conflict?
Trump trying to ask for Ukraine to make Biden look bad, helps Trump directly as he will be running directly against Biden.

If Trump was removed, then they wouldnt be running against Trump directly, so it didnt help them.
I could argue that their comments make them not impartial -but then you would have to include every GOP senator that has also made statements that show they are not impartial.

However -Neither of that will happen since the constitution makes it clear that the senate is NOT a jury. In fact -The constitution and bill of rights discuss Jury multiple times. But when it comes to impeachment - It simply states that its up to the Senate, must be 2/3rd to vote in affirm, and that the only punishment the senate can do is remove from office.
It even goes further to say that president may face criminal charges and a jury after, but thats not the senate role.

In 1999 Chief Justice William Rehnquist also made it clear that impeachment was NOT a trail and therefore rules around juries and trail do not apply. Not only did he state that in 1999, but even before that - He went further and said that the courts have NO role in impeachment, as its a political process.

So -Summary -
No Conflict of interest for Dems just because they are running for President
Both parties have many quotes to show they are not impartial
Doesn’t matter as the constitution does not refer to the senators as a Jury
Chief Justice William Rehnquist has said that courts have no role in impeachment and that the rules of a trail do not apply.

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Graham and Mitch are not running for the office.

Neither do Graham nor Mitch.

Neither did Trump with an investigation of Biden.

How does running for the office create a conflict of interest?
It doesn’t even guarantee that he wont be running again.

So you would have 2 issues.
1 -You have to prove there is a conflict of interest. Just saying they are running for president doesn’t actually show that conflict.
2 - You then have to argue that having a conflict of interest should exclude them -something that constitution doesn’t say, and if fact says the opposite.

:rofl: it doesn’t. Voting for impeachment while running for office does.

How does asking Ukraine for an investigation create a conflict of interest?

Yes it does prove it.

True, but what’s the honorable thing to do?

Asking the Ukraine to announce they are doing a investigation (There is no evidence he wanted a investigation - the evidence is all that he simply wanted the Ukraine to ANNOUNCE a investigation on the bidens) is a direct conflict of interest. Polling suggest the race will be Trump vs Biden. If Biden is under a public investigation it hurts him, and if he loses that means Trump wins. That is the conflict.

If Booker votes to impeach Trump and Trump is removed from office, Even if Booker is the nom he will then have to run against Pence, and not only does that not mean Booker wins, it prob means its more likely he loses.

As for Honorable thing to do - Agreed. Every Senator who stated already that they had made up their mind and were not interested in learning anything else, should be removed.
I think this will leave a senate of about 15 people.

There is no guarantee Pence would run.

Even if Biden drops out of the race, Trump would have to run against one of the names. Direct conflict of interest.

Might as well just use a jury of 100 American citizens. Then there would be no conflicts of interest at any point in the trial.

I like it!

If we use 435 more and go back in time, we can get rid of bias while we’re at it!

Mitch is running for re-election in 2020.

No man, there’s a big difference between using your office to ask a foreign government to hurt your political rival vs being more likely to vote guilty against a political rival in a trial.

You honestly think the Senators who are running for the democratic nomination want to damage Trump more than the other Democrats want to damage him? Gotta disagree with you here. Should Mitch McConnell recuse himself?

Not for President.

Dems have done both, but no there’s not.

They don’t want to damage each other at all.

I think you misunderstood my question. I reworded it here and above to be more clear.