Should creepy Uncle Joe back out?

I guess its just more lying from him when he brags about doing it.

Yeah, he shouldn’t have acted inappropriately. In a normal world, I’d say he shouldn’t run.

But if he triggers Trumpists, that’s cool.

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He should stay in. His pecodillos don’t even rise to the level of locker room talk.

Rubbing noses, holding hands, etc. Nothing like the disgusting one he would be running against.

He can easily be forgiven. Not by any trump supporter oddly enough though.


I wonder how they would feel knowing their father carries water for a “creepy” man accused of multiple acts of sexual misconduct, who brags about forcing himself on women, belittles the appearance of women for his own sick pleasure, and has routinely cheated on his spouses?


I see your point maybe the republicans looked passed it, but my point was the metoo movement is a mostly leftist group with is a loud voice with many backers. A stroll over to the twitter tag will see countless statements of “Believe All Victims” and they make the claim they are not partisan. It will show just the opposite, especially since the three democrats in Virginia one accused of not just talking about grabbing someone but accused of rape.

That being said I don’t think what Biden did should disbar him, but I am not on the left in the age of walking on glass, PC culture. Intersectionality, etc…

Biden acknowledged his behavior and vowed to do better. If he was a Republican he could have simply called his accusers ugly while his caveman-esque supporters cheered wildly.


A good example of why Dems are a lot more humane than the opposition. You wouldn’t have seen a Repub saying this.


he’s not their father

so it doesnt matter

They love trump, so im sure they’d be fine with it.

It doesn’t matter that a man tells his kids to be careful of something and then spends his time defending another person who does that exact sort of stuff, if not far worse?


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Biden’s not their father either.


if he were republican the media would have destroyed him instead of using euphemistic ■■■■■■■■ terms like “affectionate physical style”


didnt say he was

Biden should back out because he is a man, and he’s white, end of line. Democrats have so poisoned their party, that running for public office as a man requires and them to prostrate themselves by endlessly groveling for forgiveness, and if their are a white man, they additionally need to whip themselves, like the flagellants of old.

If he were a Republican President the media wouldn’t have time to cover it because there would have been 9 other scandals by now.

This has become a very illuminating thread.

Holding people accountable for their actions is not poisonous. I haven’t seen many people calling for Biden to drop out/not run over this, though he has failed to really build a huge groundswell of support for various other reasons.

This is getting awkward, isn’t it?

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not for me

sorry if you think it is

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