SHOCK POLL: Nike’s Brand Favorability PLUNGES 34 POINTS Following Kaepernick Ad

Originally published at: SHOCK POLL: Nike’s Brand Favorability PLUNGES 34 POINTS Following Kaepernick Ad | Sean Hannity

A stunning new poll conducted by Morning Consult shows iconic shoemaker Nike’s brand favorability rating plunging double digits just hours after releasing their controversial “Sacrifice Everything” ad featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

“Before the announcement, Nike had a net +69 favorable impression among consumers, it has now declined 34 points to +35 favorable,” writes the survey. “Among younger generations, Nike users, African Americans, and other key demographics, Nike’s favorability declined rather than improved.”

The poll comes just hours after Nike posted the advertisement online; prompting a fierce backlash over Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the performance of the US national anthem while playing for the NFL.

Funny how Nike is now the brand libs love…while not to long ago they were claiming Nike was preying on poor and underclass.

His new slogan just might be his lawyer’s nightmare in his ownership collusion case.

The headline should be a 50% drop.
