SHOCK POLL: Nike’s Brand Favorability PLUNGES 34 POINTS Following Kaepernick Ad | Sean Hannity

A stunning new poll conducted by Morning Consult shows iconic shoemaker Nike’s brand favorability rating plunging double digits just hours after releasing their controversial “Sacrifice Everything” ad featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

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I like to go into stores that sell Nikes and take the boxes on the shelf and mix up the sizes and styles. Or I just fill up a shopping cart with nothing but Nike gear and wheel it up to the front of the store and leave it. Sometimes I take all of the Nike clothing off the hangers and leave it on the floor or in a dressing room.

Just do it.

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Nice move… then don’t ever wonder why there isn’t anyone available to help you because they are busy cleaning up your mess. You aren’t hurting Nike you’re just being a punk. That’s something to be proud of!

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Wel, I considered just stealing the Nikes but there wasn’t a hurricane evacuation in my area.

What a sad life you lead.

I disagree. That much imagination is never sad

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Oh, and if the store has trash cans, just throw some Nike gear in there too.

Of course you do. :laughing:

And get arrested, as you should.

While I am also shocked and dismayed that Nike would choose Kaepernick (“cops are pigs”) as their poster boy, sadly, it isn’t affecting Nike stock. It was worth $80 a share yesterday and it’s worth $80 a share right now…

Maybe when the ads start airing during football time, people will take a bit of notice then. Hope so.

While the fantasy he’s descraining would be preferable to attending an Orioles game, its still just a fantasy that, for some reason he felt the need to share.

My daughter wrote a patriotic song that is relevant for this subject:

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Beautiful song and performance!!