She's a Danger to the Republic

yes and that is true, the bill of rights does indeed hamstring the federal govt.

why does saying what is reality bother you so much.

the bill of rights was generated to hamstring the federal govt by enumerating a citizens rights and not to allow it to run roughshod over its citizens.


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you still don’t get it. Keke was not saying the government is hamstrung, she was complaining it would be. What you replied here was pretty much what the lawyers for the states responded to her dumbassed complaint

ketanji was just stating the obvious. its just like when thomas and alito complain about X.

yes they are on the wrong side of history.

i suggest a re reading of the bill of rights to Thomas, Alito, and yes Ketanji.

they need a refresher course in it.


They, [ citizens ], are even called ‘Basket of Deplorables’ to their face…on National TV.
Then the bovine mammal on the Left who calls them that is surprised she lost the election. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
You can’t make this stuff up.
Of course they don’t care.


They don’t even have to lay down with the dogs…
enough to wave from the distance. :wink:

Makes something up that didn’t happen then says you can’t make this stuff up

It wasn’t on national television. It wasn’t to the citizens whom you are referencing. It was at a private campaign event.

She lost because she was a terrible candidate.

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But anyway Justice Jackson is wrong

The government must be hamstrung when it comes to the first.

I think her side wins but not because her position

IMO The majority is going to rule that there was no pressure only requests and that that doesn’t rise to government action.

I have a problem with that because when it’s the government the pressure to act is always there



Sure it didn’t happen.
When wrong just deny…deny…deny.

Depends on WHO is at the receiving end.
Trump sure doesn’t get his Bill of Rights act on his behalf.

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Amazing :joy:

Why not just check for yourself. DuckDuckGo it

he got his due process rights.


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he gets them over and over and over again……


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I believe that falls under the “wet blanket”

If the government wants to respond, let them tweet. Don’t block or otherwise editorialize other people’s tweets. It’s supposed to be an exchange of idea’s, not a monopoly on “truth”


He’s far closer to democrat than anything else.

He sides with the dems far too often not to be.

The desired censorship of anyone the libs disagree with is a lib thing by the way.

They don’t want to win the debates.

They Want To Be The Only Ones Talking!!!


It’s depends on what was said. Even if you look at the “Twitter files” the old Twitter rejected almost every single “inquiry” from both Biden and Trump admins. If they felt pressure, why did they reject?

There was also no consequences for rejection. They were still able to operate unobstructed

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The government didn’t block any posts. Nor did they pressure Twitter 1.0.

If the government inquiring to a social media company is pressure… then so is the government replying to posts.

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The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to hamstring the federal government. That is a good thing.



But not from communications with companies or individuals.

Government by its very nature implies a show of power.

That’s not always a bad thing but it is when it comes to freedom of speech, search warrants etc

“Hey we just want to talk can we just want to come in to your apt….”