Shepard Smith just quit Fox News

That’s the spirit!

Are Baier, Cavuto,Wallace next?

I have no idea what Barr told Murdoch. We’ll have to wait and see. I’m hopeful though.

According to this it was the prime time shock jocks at FNC that forced a working journalists. So is FNC just going to be a news version of the Howard Stern show? It’s a shame that the shock jocks are taking over

The Mail is a UK tabloid kind of like the Enquirer, so I wouldn’t hold much stock in that story. But I’m sure we’ll hear more about this.

That was put perfectly! The MSM is in deep denial about where they stand with the public.

What do the Murdoch papers say about this?

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Has Obese Donald submitted an FEC report on this Rupert Murdoch campaign contribution yet?


Are they as bad as CNN, MSDNC, Wapo, or the Times? Probably not.

The Mail’s bar would have to be subterranean to be lower than the outlets in that list.

That’s true. :+1:

What would you say of a news outlet that hacked into a murdered girl’s mobile phone?

That sounds like investigative journalism. The dead girl won’t be affected or worried about any data they manage to find. What would you say? Google and Apple are already doing that to your phone.

It was during the time the police were investigating her disappearance. It was also illegal.

Post one fake news story from each outlet. Just one. Make sure to back up fact that it is fake, with facts.


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Well, if it’s illegal, they shouldn’t be doing it. Which begs the question, " Why are Google and other internet and phone providers allowed to hack into people’s phones and emails with impunity? "

I was not referring to any telephone companies. I was referring to a newspaper outlet and how disreputable they would be if they indulged in such practices. › politics
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What makes the report fake?

Good luck with that!