Shazam! Epiphany

you made the point Obama did nothing about supposed interference or Crimea and crickets from the left.
Now we have spying on political opponents like Russians would do and crickets from the left. the left may attack Russia for acting like the left. Notions of Trump appeasement seem to contradict demands for Nato to spend more money. Notions of appeasement tend to ignore the pipeline conflict he raised. it is hard to make a meritless argument yet you try through criticism of opposing viewpoints. Given the media firings and retractions for false reports, Given the leaks that have been denied, giving the treatment given to Hillary, of course we should not trust our government. perhaps the pentagon papers come to mind.

Powell was the reason I initially supported the war. I remember watching him in front of the UN while I was at a professional conference in college. He was a man whose words meant something, and itā€™s a shame he let himself be used like that. That moment really changed the course of his life, and the world really. He probably would have been president by now had he had the integrity not to do that. Itā€™s great he admitted it, but that mistake bears a lot of weight.


and what of Susan Rice?

havenā€™t watched he news today is he back pedaling or correcting the leftist narrative.

Here are a couple of stories about it:

I have those things from time to time. The surest cure for an e-piff-a-knee is to take two beers and go to bed. Else, I was curious what yours wasā€¦fully expecting claprattle from the plethora of fugitives from Huffpo. Instead I was rewarded with worthwhile reading. UPVOTE Mx. bootz.

Frankly, I wouldnā€™t put too much confidence in Vlad. The left gets this much right. He is not our friend. Butā€¦on the other hand heā€™s not our enemy either. I rate Shoomerclown 'n/ Nancy much more virulent. MUCH MUCH more damaging. They go where Putin wouldnā€™t dare. Next to catfish bait dems Putin smells like violets.

I say that Vlad is not our enema not bekez he canā€™t be. I say it bekez heā€™s got his own problems to worry with. I doubt the U.S. rates very high on his mischief meter. Can we say the same thing about pustulent dems? Mouthy #resistive dems get soldiers and citizens killed. Vlad didnā€™t do it. Fer instance. Dems make war on the U.S. Dems are the NEW Soviets.

But I digress. I was most curious about the goat riot that erupted immediately after Trumpā€™s press conference. It wasnā€™t until today that I even KNEW what all the fuss was about. Dems/RINOS, MSDNC fake newsersā€¦and even some marginal conservatives piled on. It made NO sense.

Obama and Hillary were GOOGOL worse in their day. Youā€™ve seen the history vids. You know what Iā€™m saying is massively trueā€¦so why lynch mob hysteriaā€¦overā€¦NOTHING?!

Turns out that the left (and the other characters) got their butts handed to them by none other than comrade Rosencratz of the DOJ. ā€œNo 'muricans were guilty of collusion.ā€ Remember that? Well, that was the nitro in the gas tank.

Trump was always gonna get mobbed no matter what he said at the press conference. Itā€™s just that Rosenboob set the table. The left was and IS in full panic mode.

And they even panicked some of our guys in the process. Set even them on a full gallop stampede of imbecility.

I couldnā€™t be more proud of Trump. He did great!

Iā€™m also PRO Russian people. Americans have MORE in common with the common roosian than we do with the incomprehensible Brit. And this is a fact. Weā€™d get along famously if we just knew one another. Iā€™d much rather picnic with a ruski than lob a 50 megaton warhead at themā€¦and vicey versy, Iā€™m sure.

The left who LOVED everything commie until the wee hours of the morning post the 'lection of 2016 when they dreamed up the collusion caper craves to be nuked. Looks like. Par for their rotten robo course.

The problem Mx. -Jay is thisā€¦

ā€œThis thread is funny now that St. Don is backpedaling like crazy.ā€

The above from typical yip yip yipper wonderingrover.

Dems are to be defeated since they canā€™t be reasoned with. The unreasonable canā€™t be reasoned with.

Dems revel in their wrongness. In the meantime Glenn Beck adopted your positionā€¦and it ruined him.

Iā€™d bite a roadkill rabbit if it would make your suggestion work. Itā€™s just the way of things in these United States at this time.

Or it could be your lying about what the intel agents, and inspectors on the ground in Iraq were reporting.

Cheneyā€™s statements arenā€™t the conclusion of intel or inspectors.

You got lied to by another republican administration.

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The OP is a lie.

What does Susan Rice have to do with all the spittle all over your keyboard?

comparison to Colin Powell

and 72 senators, like Clinton and Kerry

Shush Pogo.

Go check on your Goldine investments and stop bothering the grownups.

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ā€œDems are to be defeated since they canā€™t be reasoned with.ā€

Now bootz knows how Wile E. Coyote, soooooper geeeeeenius, felt when the Road Runner tricked him into running off the cliff.

Heā€™s experiencing the cartoon weightlessness before the plunge.

Iā€™m not a Dem.

Howā€™s that financial disaster coming along? You have enough gold and supplies?

I never had the initial faith in her I had for Powell. I was a believer in Powell long before he helped lie us into Iraq. I think if he hadnā€™t done that, weā€™d probably being saying the words ā€œPresident Powellā€ today, whether referring to him as a past president or a sitting one.

Coulda fooled me Ms. Jay. What? Are you a lost Beckite?

Beckā€™s your territory, Mr. Spinach.

Wrong genius. And more, you have no idea how wrong you are. 180 degrees wrong which pretty much makes you a card carrying mirror dem.