SHAMELESS: Sen. Warren Defends ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS after Mollie Tibbetts Murder | Sean Hannity

Liberal senator and potential 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren stunned the nation Wednesday morning; lamenting the plight of America’s illegal immigrants when asked to comment on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

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What if the Mothers are wanted for murder you stupid TWIT!!!

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Amen Brian… but you were TOO nice calling her a TWIT…

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We need an immigration system that let’s everyone in and and hands out Democrat pamphlets at the border. Oh, I’m so sorry this young woman was murdered, but we’re going to double down on the policies that are responsible for her murder. This woman makes me sick.

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She is 100% correct. They should not be separated. They should stay together on the other side of the border, and never be allowed into this country illegally! If they do not come into this country illegally, they never have to be afraid of being seperated!

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Tipical democRat, Basically she is saying that illegal aliens have more rights than american citizens. Even if these citizens are murdered by one of the illegals. Shame on you Pocahontas.

While her answer sounded good, she never answered the question! Of course we don’t want to see babies and mommas separated. The truth is though, Mollie Tibbetts would still be alive today if this illegal immigrant had not been in the country. We need stricter immigration policies and laws should be enforced

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I wonder if Warren understands that Mollie and her mother are now separated for ever? Build the wall and keep everyone together. Senator…if you won’t do it for US citizens, then do it to keep illegal aliens together.

Warren did not answer the question instead she diverted the subject making it about the “children” at the boarder. Touch’e! Hey Elizabeth Warren, let’s talk about all the unborn babies who are murdered each day in the United States. Shouldn’t we focus on abortion laws that kills unborn babies who pose no real threat? I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources to help fund money to destroy a human life.

All mouth and no brains!! She and all the other liberals (Hollywood wealthy, bleeding hearts and Demo-Rats in congress) should invite the illegals to come live in their homes. They can put up a sign at a location along the border with the time schedule for the limo-bus pick-up, along with their name (so the illegals can decide which person they would like to live with) and let those do gooders foot the bill for all of the illegal’s needs…health care, food stamps, necessities (cell phone, spending money, an alibi and whatever else). No worry about being separated … they just become part of a happy family and maybe adopted by their do gooder family!!!

Yep, after all Americans don’t kill each do they.:roll_eyes:

Elizabeth Warren should make like Pocahontas, and disappear into the pages of history, only infamously!

Pocahontas is the personification of cranio-rectal disease !!

Warren…they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. If I smuggled a key of pure coke across the border, by your
logic, I should be able to distribute it !!!

Can the whereabouts of her progeny be tracked ? God forbid, they breed. Mindless snowflakes.

Deny the existence of skin cancer…it will go away.

MANY Americans waste each other for various reasons. BUT…

Us bubble-headed Americans can just bumble across other countries’ borders… RIGHT…

STOP ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS ! Babies don’t travel here on their own. ARREST and PROSECUTE their “parents” for facilitating this crime.

Based on violent crime statistics alone, I’d rather my neighbor be Illegal Jose than Average Joe.

Sorry but illegal aliens do not commit more crime than we do, fact.

Typical piece of ■■■■ politician, they cannot even acknowledge a valid point, if it might be seen as chipping away at their political Party’s agenda.
Refusing to enforce immigration law is the number one issue, the most cherished agenda item for the Democratic Party.

That right there should disqualify any dem from being elected, but they have the backing of their throngs of useful idiots… well, they are idiots, what more can I say.

I’m sorry! I can’t take this crap anymore! The LUNNEY LEFT, in my eyes, has lost ALL common decency. If you watched the video, Elizabeth Warren is actually smiling while explaining her demented view! There’s not a hint of sorrow or even compassion. The Left has always been “touched” but now they’ve become evil!! How else can you explain it? America is the greatest nation in the world! And if we don’t stand strong, we’re going to lose the our country! This country is on the verge on taking a turn for the worse! It’s going to get rough anytime between now and December. Prepare yourselves and we shall prevail! God bless you all!

LOOK SHE DIDN’T ANSWER THE QUESTION people like her refuse to agree with a borders wall because it not their young child being hunted and kill by these illegal immigrant.they are saft being there large gated estate.the regular people that you and me are left to defend our self the best way we can.LOSING THIS YOUNG LADY IS A WAKE UP CALL America.These Dem need to BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE,they are refusing to work for us the American people who elected them.Away with all of them.

Thank God we have this tread politicizing this tragedy! Thank God indeed