President Trump urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to shut down the year-long Russia investigation Wednesday morning; calling-on the nation’s top law enforcement official to “stop this rigged witch hunt now.”

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He should .
Our President is right …The American people is sick and tired of it .

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Trump can fire Mueller today. Why isn’t he doing it?

Because It is not his job to fire him It is Sessions. Yes he could fire him and every Biased Democrat on the Special counsel’s Team. That would only fuel the Left saying he is trying to hide something and is trying to obstruct “Justice”. In this Case It should be up to the Attorney General to Clean up his house. That is my opinion.

He could easily direct Sessions to fire Mueller and if he refuses the order, then fire Sessions, yet he won’t.

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Sessions is a Swamp Mole…that’s why he will not shut it down…

It is a witch hunt.All this time and they found no collusion except there’s evidence of crooked Hillary and the DNC not to mention some top officials in the FBI.This makes Watergate look like a misdemeanor.Sessions do your job quit HIDING!

Why doesn’t Trump fire Sessions, instead of this passive aggressive twitter nonsense? Do you job Mr President, quit HIDING.

With all the evidence coming to light about how bias this “investigation” is and how it’s ignoring all the collusion that did take place I don’t see how it is continuing. Unless there is a lot that we aren’t hearing about or seeing, this whole fiasco should have never been started.

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I expected more from Sessions!! Maybe he is just incompetent! (?) To do nothing is evidence of incompetence and to delay is the same! Sessions needs to get a pair, stand up and be heard, loud and clear. Once it was determined there was no collusion by Trump or his staff, it should have been announced and either ended, or a new investigation announced and approved. This is BS, totally!!

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Excellent idea, maybe he hasn’t thought of it yet. Hey, do you have his number, I’ll tell him.


Americans are learning the Truth about the swamp and this craziness will sink in and change some on the fence. If he fired Mueller now, there would be a huge conflict which could be more counterproductive. I think we are just about at the tipping point, where he will step in if it is really necessary. He knows what he is doing but it is sure hard to be this patient. I wonder how hard it is for him?

Ha ha haa, nice…

Sean, we need your help and other conservatives to turn up the heat on Jeff Sessions. Most of the discussions on Fox News and talk radio do a great job of explaining this massive Democrat conspiracy to frame Trump and clear Hillary of obvious felonies, as well as detail the serious corruption in DOJ and the FBI that still exists. The frustration of many Americans is that this continues under Sessions’ stewardship of DOJ and with Wray as the head of the FBI. These are Trump picks, not Obama. Why aren’t these two cleaning house? Why does the unlawful and tainted Mueller investigation continue looking into Trump when there is no evidence of a crime; yet, nothing is happening to hold high level Democrats (including Hillary and Obama) accountable for serious crimes that we know were committed? Sessions is the AG now, NOT Lynch or Holder, and he is doing nothing! Please initiate a daily media barrage calling for Sessions and Wray to act or resign.

More to Sessions that meets the eye, look deeper…

Jeff Sessions Retweeted _ff

:us: #FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE ‏ @ FARMERFUNKK 10h10 hours ago # QANON @ realDonaldTrump