Senators Announce Electoral Count Act Reform Act of 2022

This isn’t about any crimes Trump may have committed - this isn’t about crimes at all.

No. It’s merely about TDSers trying to make Trump unelectable.


How would this law effect Trump’s electability?

The National Review and the American Enterprise Institute are behind this as well.

In fact, every mainstream Conservative or Libertarian organization that I have read so far have supported this bill.

You just did it again. You just said the quiet part out loud

So much honesty in this thread

To prevent an idiot trying to retain power from using the VP to disallow state certified electoral college ballots because he’s mad he lost the election.

[Don’t believe I had to actually type that out.]


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I don’t know about you… but I am in favor of stripping the power to unilaterally decide an election from VP Harris.

Trump** is electable, he just has to start getting more votes than his opponent.

He’s run for President 3 times now and lost the vote of the people each time, hey - maybe the 4th will be a charm?


I don’t know lets ask conservatives.

If Biden loses the election in 24, but feels like he has won- should Harris get to change the outcome?

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Trump has pretty well done that himself - quite well I might add - with his post election behavior

I just looked over the one-pager again; seems very benign and commonsense.

It could get 80+ votes in the Senate.

Laugh out loud. This is like Danny McGrath’s list from Billy Madison. Please tell me this is on the wall.

She should be allowed to delay the acceptance of states’ EC certifications that are disputed while complaints are addressed.

No… she shouldn’t.

Plus it wasn’t about delay… it was about unilaterally throwing out electors and sending it back to the States where fake electors were ready to step in.

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Good gravy man- delay how long? It was two weeks till the transfer of power on the 20th. All the courts had shot down any election fraud claims and even the AG was telling Trump that the stolen election idea was madness.

But you would let Harris delay the EC certifications if she feels like something is wrong with the election?

She could till one day before inauguration day. But she would suffer any political fallout if her actions were not borne out by the eventual findings of any investigation.

:joy:You just validated the existence of the January 6th Committee


At the voting booth. Not from a partisan kangaroo court.

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Nice try at backtracking but imvestigations aren’t conducted at the voting booth.

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Nice try, but an investigation is not what the Let’s Go Brandon Day Committee is doing.

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