Senator Sinema kills filibuster change

He won’t have to Schumer will give it again.
But seriously that is wrong on both sides when they do it.


There’s a potential Democratic ticket for 2024. :wink:

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And later recanted on that:



Who started it?

Just a brief spasm of fascism, I guess. :man_shrugging:

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I love it.

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At this point it seems inevitable that the filibuster is toast. Which party kills it is probably irrelevant in the long run.

I don’t see it going away anytime soon, unless libs gain more seats


I hope you’re right. But they keep talking about it, it seems like someone will do it sooner or later.

Regardless who I’m against it. It’s only going to make passing laws/regulations easier. Thus only going to expand government powers. Which BTW repugs are just as guilty.


I like to see it go back to 67 votes. Make it harder for em.


Stop it. She isn’t a dog.


Good on her. She is going to get nuked in her home state.

My first thought was, “she did the Lord’s work.”

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Was it fascism to put down the confederacy?

Indeed. The filibuster is good for not only Republicans, but Democrats. It’s good “check” for the Senate by the People.


The woke libs would never vote for them. I’m hearing speculation that when the dems lose the Senate that one or both may switch parties.

Especially Manchin because WV is a red state anyway.

Have Democrats taken up arms against the US government? You still haven’t demonstrated how the Democratic Party represents an existential threat to the country.

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I would call withholding life saving vaccines and therapeutics on the basis of race an existential threat to the republic.


I seriously thought you were smarter than this… you are going farther and farther down this conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Thread after thread. Do you truly believe this stuff? Or is it fun theater to kill time?