Sean! Arizona weather is better than those other states!

Watched Sean’s townhall meeting with six Republican governors. He seemed somewhat cold to our Arizona Governor Duecy. Duecy has sent National Guards to the border. In the opening of the show…Sean made nice comments to the governors about each own states. Arizona - he cries, " Oh, the heat!" Let’s look at the other states weather: On the panel: South Dakota, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Are you kidding me!?! They are all moving to Arizona for the warm, mild, weather! Snow, ice, and freezing weather in those states! Florida? Jungle, oppressive heat! The desert in Arizona in the summer - is HOT (but, dry - no humidity). (October through May - wonderful). Ever heard of northern Arizona!?! Flagstaff…Prescott…and the White Mountains?!? Glorious. Where do you go to escape summer heat in Florida? The Everglades? FOX News upset a lot of Arizonans by declaring Biden the winner when only 70% of the votes had been counted. I had switched over to Newsmax because of that. However, Tucker has really ramped up his game - and I like watching Sean and Laura - I have come back to FOX - but, still watch Newsmax. I am wondering if Sean was mad at our Governor Duecy for certifying Biden so quickly in Arizona. I was mad at him for that - he earned points for declaring Arizona a state of emergency at the boarder. I think Abbott from Texas is the best!