Scientific proof mask mandates work

I understand that what’s diving the spike is large gatherings, in bars and in private settings.

Proof can be found in other countries.
The so-called crap hole countries that the occupant of the white house labeled are the same countries doing way better than we are in dealing with this virus. Maybe we should be looking to Africa and Asia in how to handle this virus. I listened to an interview today of a pastor who recently visited Rwanda and he talked about the steps the country went through in keeping it’s citizens safe. They jumped on it immediately because of their country’s leadership and having knowledge in handling infectious viruses. BTW, they have a country wide mask mandate.
12 million people, 15 deaths.

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It probably varies. Ohio gov says it is small gatherings.

It is utterly useless to compare the US to any other country, much less Rwanda.

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I thought we were in the era o not giving people tickets (you know for like shoplifting), not giving people fines (they can’t pay them and you can’t jail them for not paying). what good is the enforcement.

not to mention you want to put businesses out of businesses for not complaying. that sir is wrong.


I realize my jay walking comparison does not support the original point I was trying to make.

But in making it I think I better understand how some folks hate the idea of wearing a mask.

I’m certainly willing to reconsider my position.

Okay…duly noted and ignored.

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I am going to insist on an answer because I believe it is relevant. Do you have a right to jaywalk?

Uh … that’s working.

I actually don’t expect police to write tickets for noncompliance. But it does give them the authority to do so and a gentle reminder from the police to mask up will be taken more seriously.

As for businesses that put their customers at risk perhaps they have their priorities wrong and the should be closed.

A ticket taking money out of pockets is a “gentle reminder”?

Good Lord that’s authoritarian Bob.

No, I don’t think I morally have that right because such behavior puts not only me but others at risk.

I suspect you disagree.

The gentle reminder isn’t a ticket, it simply an implied threat.

“Here’s an internet article that tells me to obey.”


Morally? Who else does it put at risk? Don’t pedestrians always have the right of way?

What “right” does the government have to tell you when and wear you can cross a public street?

Of course I disagree. I’m a grown man, I don’t need the government telling me where to cross a street.

Is it the purview of the government to threaten me?

And that tells me I can tell you you are a horrible person if you don’t.


You don’t live in the city so you don’t fully understand.

If I were to step out from between two parked vans into the path of a car the driver may swerve and hit another car.

It’s a public safety issue. Like masks.

By the way Joe, wearing a mask is not patriotic. It may be necessary, but it is not patriotic.


Bob, I lived in a city with a bigger population than NYC and no traffic enforcement for 20 years.

Swerve? Why would he swerve?

“Public safety”! Now there’s a term.

If I step out and cause a wreck, who is liable?