Scientific American POTUS endorsement

And if you aren’t subscribed to Scientific American, why even care???

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I’m not angry.

Such a dig.

Those points have all been addressed back and forth in this forum for months now. They offered nothing new. Nothing particularly “sciency”.
If the magazine editors want to defend their accusations, let them post here.

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Thank you.

Somebody call them deplorables?

They stopped being a scholarly magazine a long time ago. I watched it happen. They were more like Discover then the old SA the last time I checked. I would assume someone bought them out at one point and changed their business model.

Well, if National Review decides to endorse Trump I promise not to start a thread saying “The National Review is a scholarly magazine and it endorses Trump. Read the magazine and see if you can prove them wrong on all the issues”.

There was no sarcasm intended on my part. You offered your opinion, I acknowledged it.

Trump is the most anti-science president in my lifetime.

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its the same dead talking points the dnc uses. already been addresses 1000 times. SA saying it doesn’t make the lies true.

bitter clingers?

Thanks Safiel, great post.

It’s a bizarre mindset.

Really, why would anyone take a vaccine developed by medical science while he’s President.

Not half as impressive as President Trump’s Bay of Pigs award 2 Noble nominations and Time cover.

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Facts make what SA wrote true. Spin is what keeps anything from ever being Trump’s fault.

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except of course they ain’t facts


it’s just one more thing that had to go full tilt political. they are not immune from criticism

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It’s so weird that it had to be now. Confusing. Why oh why? It’s such a mystery.


So i heard the dude that made that decision at SCIAM is actually German. so is this foreign interference in an election and is it German-Biden collusion-Gate or what?