Say it ain't so, walls actually do actually work

Per CBP sources, 23,576 of them – 71.8% – were in Arizona and California. Notably, the numbers in Texas’ Del Rio sector, which includes Eagle Pass, have fallen off a cliff. In December, the sector saw days of 3,000-4,000 illegal crossings per day. Over the last week, it has averaged around just 200.

And all this time we have been told walls don’t work, walls don’t work! And in wall-less CA and AZ:

Border Patrol’s San Diego sector and Tucson, Arizona, sector are now seeing the most activity. For instance, on Wednesday, CBP sources told Fox News there were 5,240 Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants at the southern border. The sources said 3,854 of them – 73.5% – were in Arizona and California for that day.

Where there’s a wall, there’s a way…“uh, uh…you know the thing”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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they know they work. they just pretend do they can fulfill their political goals

Of course they don’t work. All you need is a 40 foot ladder to get to the top of the wall. And when you see those seas of migrants marching through Mexico on the way to the promised land, every 10th guy or so is carrying one. Right?

Getting to the top is the hard part. But the ladder takes care of that. Getting down is just a matter of physics and gravity. Toss the kids from the top. And then your disabled wife. Then jump down yourself, once the others have reached the bottom. Easy peasy.

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Obstacles are always most effective when covered by a reaction force. It is amazing how effective arresting those who breach the obstacle and carting them off to the county jail, instead of to a faux processing point to receive preloaded cash cards and a transportation ticket

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Damn, for a second there, I though illegals were falling off cliffs. :rofl:


Where’s all the libs now who are going argue against these facts:

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we invented environmentally friendly, magical floating roof trusses… walls are obsolete


How is it possible to reduce migration without that (utterly worthless) border bill?

Texas has found a way!


Ok, and how hard is it to take a boat up the pacific ocean, or the gulf coast?

Cool beans.

The thread is about walls. Your response indicates that you, too, recognize the effectiveness of walls. We can discuss boats in the boat thread you start.

So you would rather have millions of migrants showing up all along the pacific and gulf coasts instead? :person_facepalming:

Who said that I said that?


And it’s a lie.

Why must you lie?

Quit libbing.

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Well, that is basically what will happen if you erect a wall. Do you really think they will stop trying to come to America because of a border wall?

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Putting words in my mouth is a flat out lie.

Why must you lie?

This thread was about the effectiveness of a wall. You recognize that, as your response indicates.

Anything beyond that is off topic. Maybe you should have left this old thread alone rather than back yourself into telling lies.

Talk about putting words into people’s mouths, you take the cake.

Walls do not work! All they do is divert the flow of illegals to other states!

Is that clear enough for you?

Anybody hear of the Coast Guard? I believe that’s their job as well.


Then they work.

And no, that’s not “all they do”. I won’t say that’s a lie. It’s just stupidity.


Accomplishing that would take more resources and would also discourage millions.

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