SARAH ON FIRE: Sanders SCORCHES ABC’s ‘Double-Standard’ on Roseanne

Double standard = different standards for the same situation.

Situation 1: White woman uses a racist slur against a black woman.
Situations 2: White woman uses a swear word against a white woman.

If the situations are different, there is no double standard. If you’re claiming a swear word is equal to a racist slur, then Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity.

Isn’t that what Dr. King was striving for?

I’m going to count the people here that said they voted for Trump and if they simply said that Roseanne’s tweet was bad with no excuses diversions or caveats. I’ll be right back.

I’m back. I got nothing.

Is that from the liberal rule book for controlling public discourse?

As I recall, it’s originally from Marx’s Communist Manifesto. :wink:

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Yes … because liberals are hypersensitive.

Were black Americans monkeys and such to make them seem less than human in order to justify slavery?

Did that happen, or did hypersensitive liberals dream it up?

Called monkeys and such . . .

What you missed is that the slur against Jarrett and the slur against Trump were essentially identical. The only difference is, that because Jarrett has a Black lineage, you get to play the race card. That does not excuse the slur against Trump.

I suspect if Barr had used any other animal in her comparison, you liberals would be just as outraged.

“Play the race card”=punt. Net gain: -4 yards.

You are right. You’ve got nothing.

It happened 150 years ago. Get over it. Get over yourself while you are at it.

So, it happened. You should be telling black people to get over it, because they are the target of such dehumanizing, slavery-justifying comments.

Lib oversensitiveness. Childish.

Yep … you got it.

Doubtful. Using a primate when referring to a black has a very specific racial connotation. If she said “snake” for instance, it would not have had that racial undertone.

What double standard?

There is no double standard there.

One was a simple insult, i.e. my Trump joke, the other was a flat out example of racism, i.e. the Roseanne tweet.

No race card was played by me. The evidence is totally recognizable to anyone with an honest brain and a background in the historical context of blacks being compared to apes in America.

I am not any part of “you guys”.

I am just me.

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Denial is manifest, denial or willing ignorance, on the part of those like Samm regarding this issue.

Oh well!

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No hypocrisy at all, they are not in the least the same level or degree of denigration.

Just because you wish to deny it doesn’t make it so.

No, it didn’t just happen 150 years ago, SAMM, in case you weren’t paying attention (obviously you haven’t been) it happened TWO FREAKING DAYS AGO with Roseanne’s racist tweet.

My God the willful ignorance on your part is astounding.


Your suspicions about me in that respect are flat out wrong.

Although it would have been fun to see how Roseanne would have explained the following possible tweet: muslim brotherhood & planet of the wallabies had a baby = vj