Sandy Hook Families Can Sue Gun Maker for Shooting

our justice system is based on ‘says you’…ie: the jury.

The only people who try that dumb gun stuff are people eager to shift the focus off of bat ■■■■ crazy kids.


Figured it out yet or don’t care?

Need to close that loophole that caused SCOTUS to rule the way they did.

I thought that when gorsuch and kavanaugh joined the court these kind of ruling cannot happen.

Guess not.


This is one of the worst cases of the SCOTUS turning their backs I can remember.

What loophole?

You cheerleaders have no idea what this means.

Responsible advertising by gun manufacturers?

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Can you point out the irresponsibility in the ads above?

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Shallow, shallow thinking.

The advertising is irrelevant to this case.

The hyberbole from both sides are amazing.

From what I can find there has been NO RULING based on a trial.

The CT Supreme Court dismissed a previous lawsuit. Claimant’s revised and amended to suit based on marketing. Remington appealed to the SCOTUS and the SCOTUS denied cert allowing a trial to proceed. They DID NOT rule on the merits of the case.

By allowing the trial the SCOTUS is simply allowing a full record of evidence and testimony to be developed and matured through the trial and appeals process. Once there is testimony, evidence, and a lower court ruling it will proceed through an appeals process and likely end up back at the SCOTUS.

Again this is not a ruling at all, it is a denial of cert to allow development through lower courts.

Both sides need to get a grip.


You are correct, however this is absurd.

A state trial court initially threw out the claims but the Connecticut Supreme Court revived the lawsuit in March, prompting Remington’s appeal.

Oh yeah…totally the parents lashing out over their kids being murdered…this is a great idea…run with this.

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Oh this is just…shakes head…its so niave

Oh well…too bad.

Claiming you arent a man if you don’t use it.

Yeah but this gets in the way of our love of guns! So you can move on with your logic and sense mister.


No, that can’t be it. That’s true.

You clearly arent the right person for this topic. Too much bias towards guns and the need for them.

The very concept of what marketing does is to make you want something.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I could script this comedy any better. There’s a huge problem with your theory.