Sandy Cortez in therapy and “served in war”?

I’m in sound mind…just ask any Conservative.

Maybe that is why she won’t debate.


She’s a whiny drama queen and full blown idiot.


Out to garner sympathy.


She was not even in the capital building.
She was in her office in a building next to the capital.
The only person she encountered was a capital police officer. The capital police officers was the person that was knocking on the door when her legislative director told her to hid in the bathroom. The capital police officer told her to go to a different building. She went to the office of a colleague in a different building.
She did not see one person except the capital police and colleague.
She was not targeted by the so called mob. They did not bang on her door. They were not calling her name. The only person to bang on her door and call her name was a capital police officer.
Look at you defending your loon.
The she is a poor excuse for a woman.
She spends a lot of time calling all conservatives racist and white supremist. She wants to compile a government list of all conservatives who support trump. She wants all trump supporters to be deprogramed. She accused ted cruz of trying to kill her.
The loon can dish it out but she can’t take the same in return. She is a poor excuse of a congressman. The dingbat should shut her big mouth if she does not want to get back what she put out.


I’m not trying to compare AOC and Steve Scalise.

I don’t accept that you’re in a position to judge her trauma.

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There is no comparison.

Good answer.

Yeah, that doesn’t work anymore.

If she is traumatized by that then perhaps she should remove herself from office.

That’s a pretty low threshold for trauma.


You’re the one who’s trying to make a comparison between the two.

On what metric are you comparing them?

Did we make it to the point where it doesn’t matter if that whole served in war thing was true or not and people are just having fun anyways?

No, she shouldn’t.

Not your place to judge.

Is that what I am doing?


? Libs minds?

I’m thinking maybe she should.

It isn’t your place to tell me what my place is.


In a thread where everyone is judging Sandy’s trauma for sport and giggles.

Good thing she wasn’t in the Capitol.


Since before she was even sat, AOC was the target of Right Wing vitriol and anger, let alone after.

I don’t know her life, but I would imagine that the constant barrage of negativity, hatred, and death and rape threats takes a toll.

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Does attacking Biden and siding with Hamas count?

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The woman is ugly. Big mouth and all.
She is a big mouth who can dish it out but is such a wimp she whines and cries when she get the same in return.
Nothing she does or has done is adorable.
A leftist whack job who shot gifford. The event had noting to do with palin.
And you all need to take a big look in the mirror before you point fingers after the treatment palin received from the left.
As big a loon as she is she should get mental help.