Originally published at: SANDERS ON HANNITY: Media Mob ‘Wakes Up Every Morning’ With the Goal of Destroying President Trump | Sean Hannity
Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke with Sean Hannity Tuesday night on the media’s response to the Coronavirus; saying they “wake up every morning” with the goal of destroying President Trump.
“I’ll be honest, I have no respect for them. I think they’re the worst of the worst. They can’t find a single thing to say the President’s done right during this crisis,” said Hannity.
“They wake up every single morning with one goal in mind: to destroy the President. They don’t care about getting out the news. All they care about is destroying this President. We’ve seen every day the nastiness and the viciousness,” said Sanders.
“It’s no doubt that Obama would come after networks like Fox News because they’re astonished that they no longer control the narrative,” she added.
Watch Sanders on ‘Hannity’ above.