San Francisco Voters Overwhelmingly Back Recall of Progressive School-Board Members


San Francisco official blames racism, Trump and ‘closet Republicans’ for recall of school board members


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families and our children.

Nothing revolutionary there. Why not use your own words instead of posting articles?

Are we in disagreement over what revolutionary means?

“involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.”

Which of their policies meets that definition?

Define revolution.

The Woke Prog Left isn’t out to destroy public education and privatize it for profit.

Of course not, they couldn’t control the indoctrination then. They destroyed “education” years ago.


And conservatives collectively say “hold my beer”

What? Progs have been in charge of the public education system for over a century.

When one considers the obsession of school board members with Trump Derangement Syndrome, using schools to brainwash innocent children and imposing racist policies rather than teaching the three Rs, not to mention their attack on our nation’s founding fathers, I would say we are well within the category of revolutionary acts.

But hey, you are free to live in your bubble and close your eyes to what is happening around you.

The good news is the parents of children being subjected to such revolutionary policies have finally taken the situation in hand and yanked the three revolutionaries from their pedestal.


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families and our children.

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Apparently, you haven’t been paying attention:

‘Revolt’ Against Progressive Agenda: San Francisco Voters Recall Three School Board Members | The Daily Wire


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Socialist Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.

No such party exists.

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Reagan and Bennet are the culprits of the decline of our education system.

Is that so? Then what is this:

“The Democrat Party is Evil”


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves and put the KKK out of business. ___ Author unknown

I suspect that those denying that the 3 were revolutionary types in all likely were supporters of what they were doing.

Especially the indoctrination part.

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Your nonsense slays me . . . .

The truth is state controlled public education began to be undermined when Johnson’s Great Society took effect, and the federal government began to fund it. Ever since then the cost of college tuition has risen, and public education systems have become institutions of indoctrination.

Try keeping up with what is really happening.

Let us not forget during the coming election what the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families and our children.

Yes. McCarthy was wrong.


McCarthy is not in the video:


If the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership gets its way under Biden, it will have imported over 10 million of the world’s poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries into our country, and our nation’s needy will pay the price.

College education did not start going up until the 80’s

In the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s, one could could pay for school, working part time. It was lean, but doable.

McCarthy popularized the phrase, then was picked up by Rush, and was followed by nearly every RW pundit to use the phrase, “democrat” party. It was intentional to emphasize the “rat” part.

FYI, it is the Democratic party.

Grow up…or post another stupid meme.

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That is not a clever deflection from the damage created by our federal government unconstitutionally inserting itself into state operated public education which irrefutable has led to the today’s outrageous cost



What will it take for American citizens and their families to realize their homeland is under attack? Witness the millions having invaded our border who now suck our pantry dry like a swarm of ticks and fleas, while our needy citizens are made to suffer and go without.


You really don’t get it do you? Or maybe, you don’t want to get it.

The fact is the leadership of the so-called democratic party no longer acts in a democratic way, nor represents the best interests of democrat voters who put them in office. And part of the proof is the recall of the democrat revolutionary leaders.


They are not “Republican” or “Democrat” Leaders. They are Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.