San Bernardino says no to wind and solar plants

They don’t have a say. If the majority decides something, it’s done. ■■■■ everyone else. It’s cool.

That’s the way our founders intended, the majority decides. Why should it be any different? Why should a minority get to decide what the majority of America does?

When is the minority ever considered?

When they are the majority

So farmers will never have a say. Cool.

Provide your argument for it then. Why should a minority get to decide for the majority?

Well you are right about that. That’s what we saw from 2008-16. Republicans had no say.

Not if they don’t vote.

Still unable to come up with a logical reason?

Let’s use the wind farm. A bunch of city dwellers decide they want a wind farm built right next to a bunch of farm land (because they don’t want it anywhere near their city). The farmers shouldn’t have a say in any part of the process?

It’s cool.

Why should a farmer’s vote be more important than anyone else’s?

No, they have the same amount of say as every other voter. The way our founders intended

Irrelevent to available land for new one’s. You could put those acres into the off limits to use for new one’s.

There is still plenty of space in California and Riverside County has multiple large farms either planned or already in the works. Batteries are getting better as well

Farmers here are leasing fields to the power companies for both wind and solar, because the income is better and more reliable than crops. Win win.


It’s not.

Here is a version of energy storage that is being experimented with. It is basically the same concept as pumped hydro, except it uses cranes to stack concrete blocks when the power is being collected and then lowers them, turning kinetic energy into electricity, when more power is needed.

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It’s totally relevant. Intrinsically and deeply relevant. They’ve already given over thousands of acres to solar, are they supposed to give until they bleed?

Your main thrust in the OP was that they are a bunch of nimbys and that has been shot down, they are clearly not, they are doing their part in spades. Complete and utter thread fail. Sorry.

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I did some calculations for that years ago for individual homes. Concrete just wasn’t dense enough and I came to the conclusion that you would have to use raw iron or something in order to get the footprint small enough for residential use without a larger than average property… I did not research cheaper metals or anything, it was really just a curiosity thing.

It was a long time ago, but I think I found it a bit impractical. I was using hydraulic rams on the four corners of a single block to lift the weight.

Yeah if you read the article they say that the efficiency is 85% and it would store 20mgw hours.

It would take up a much smaller footprint than pumped hydro and could be used in areas where the topography and climate isn’t good for hydro.

Like all things, I think that we will eventually use a mix of technologies and not rely on just one source of production and storage.