Sailor disgraces herself and the United States Navy

That is even less likely. The comment was made in 2005 less than a year after his 5th bankruptcy


I’ll give you the gold diggers and only needing to appear rich. Which has essentially always been his grift; making money off of pretending to have money.


Burn her ass.

Biden’s not the President.

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With any other opponent Biden’s creepiness would indeed kill his candidacy but it’s not going to get the mileage you hope when the other person is Trump

Biden doesn’t like Tic-tacs, the official breath mint of the Trump 2020 campaign.

“Gotta grab 'em!”

tic tacs had nothing to do with the post I responded to.

That’s nice. :slight_smile:

Can’t speak for the individual or the U S Navy, as I didn’t serve. But many employers have a policy that if you don’t say what you have to say as a representative of theirs, they don’t care what it is.

As many have found out, posting photos with a Klan rally, or making off color remarks, or posing nude while listing an employer, can get you fired. Don’t think any boss would take kindly to ■■■■■ (boss’ name).”

The most I can say here is if she felt that way, she should have gotten in civilian clothes before saying it. Totally neutral about what the U S Navy decides.

I would be OK with an Admin Sep or an OTH.

As a Second Class Petty Officer (E-5) She is aware of the restriction on political speech while in uniform.

Her hysterical behavior in the video speaks to the fact that she should not continue in the Navy.

Nothing says you can’tr hold your own views while in the military, but to go absolutely bat ■■■■ at some people (civilians) she doesn’t agree with shows she shouldn’t be entrusted with the responsibility that her rank/rate require.


Iv heard it many times you don’t freedom of speech in uniform.

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I don’t have headphones and will have to watch the video tomorrow when I’m outdoors by myself (my family is close by).

But watching it with the sound muted, I get these impressions:

She looks in poor condition for active military, and

She’s getting right in the faces of civilians with an improperly worn mask, aggressively confronting them with ■■■■ Trump while they’re within the constraints of the right to peacefully protest.

She’s representing the Navy in camo while making an ass of herself. Her military career is toast.

BTW What is an OTH?

Other Than Honorable discharge. Not as bad as a Bad Conduct Discharge, but not a resume enhancer either.

When I was hiring, anything less than an honorable discharge meant you didn’t even get an interview.

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She needs to be busted to E1, given a dishonorable discharged and drummed out in disgrace.

OTH is nearly as bad as having a felony conviction for most positions, you won’t even get an interview.

I favor the DH for cases like these so they can carry the stain for life and lose all benefits as well.

I had the sad task, which really turned my stomach of recommending a FG article 15 for one of my troops who did something similar referencing Clinton in public, in uniform, and off base in a very crowded business establishment.

I tried to get him to back up and get himself under control with his criticisms because we were in public and he just went too far.

There were also two field grade officers within ear shot so even if I had an inclination for leniency we were overseas, they were present, got both our ID’s and marked them down an told me specifically to take it to our chain of command.

As little as I thought of Clinton I’d have still done it with our without them present but that simply cannot be tolerated.

When you’re in uniform you keep your mouth shut.

I’m agree 100%.

Her apparent hysterical conduct demonstrates an inability at self control.

Well said.


Gross insubordination deserves a much heavier penalty.