Russian lawyer charged with obstruction

Actually, I guess RE 1 is Prevezon.

Gotta be. :slight_smile:

Nice avatar.

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Veselnitskaya insisted that she met the Trump team in a private capacity, and was not directed by Russian officials. The charge sheet made public on Tuesday makes clear that she was in close contact with senior Russian officials. Veselnitskaya was so deeply trusted by the Kremlin that she was allowed to draft and edit Russiaā€™s official response to a U.S. judicial request.

just another small time person

So the Lawyer who has known Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS for better half of a decade has been indicted? , Isnt this the same Russian Lawyer that worked with at Previzon holdings with Simpsons?, the same Russian who Dem Congressman Ron Delums worked with as a lobbyist? The Same Russian Lawyer the Obama admin gave a visa to right before the trump tower meeting? The Same Russian who met with Simpson before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Wasnt Simpson hired to use his Russian contacts by Hillary to get dirt on Trump? Why not use the Russian that not only has ties to him, but ties former DNC congressmen. Why was Hillary paying fusion to manufacture Russian meetings in hopes of entrapping the trump campaign?

I dont think this is ending the way Dems wanted, because this indictment is not coming from Mueller.

Fascinating. Lol

Problem is that she has ties to Simpson for over a decade, and met with him before and after the Trump meeting, and she has ties to the DNC. So we going to lock up Ron Dellums and Simpson too?

sure if they are found to do illegal things. why not?

Facts dont matter to libs, or the fact that shes personal friends with former DNC Congressman Ron Dellums, or the fact that she worked for half a decade at previzon holdings with Simpson, or the fact that Simpson was hired by Hillary to use his russian contacts to get dirt on trump. Veselnitskya is def one of his contacts, they worked together and are personal friends, and she already was trusted among liberals. Still wanting to know why the state department declined her Visa in 2015, but gave her a fresh one just before the Trump Tower meeting?

right? predictable if anything

LOL you just proved my point! Hillary paid people to collude with Russians, in hopes of getting someone else caught colluding, Hillary colluded by setting up the meeting in the first place, Don Jr , would have no clue who Vesselnitskya was if it wasnt for Fusion GPS.

Collusion delusionā€¦

ā€¦Trump is Coolā€¦

yeah that is not what happened. it is what the right wing echo chamber media have been trying to paint as happening but good try my friend.

What a catch! Ron Dellums is dead and hadnā€™t service in congress for 20 years.

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Uhh Yeah thats exactly what happened! They even admitted to the FBI that they met before and after the Don Jr Meeting, what do you think they were doing, exchanging pleasantries? LOL Even the Hardy Boys could figure this one out. Im sorry you arent up to their level yet.

So Russian Collusion has an expiration date now?

i am patient. enjoy tonight festivities!

I am too, should be fun! Considering the indictments arent from Mueller, and the IG report should be coming soon , could be entertaining.

Hey there Attreyu! Just a reminder that Iā€™m still waiting for Donald to release the unredacted FISA Warrant you promised was forthcoming.


Holy cow. Thatā€™s amazing. Lol