Russia hacked U.S. minds and undermined democracy, author says

It’s a need, not a want. A lot of it is the Vanguard Theory. They are enlightened, we are not. We must follow them, even by force, to get to Nirvana.

Secular Puritanism and it goes all the way back to Reconstruction. Everything they have done is with this one goal.

From the article:

"The biggest challenge we face moving forward isn’t the Russians. It’s really other Americans who see this technique and see the political gain that can come from it and adopt it on their own, meaning they come up with their own news outlets which maybe aren’t telling the truth, but tell a truth that is preferred.

We have started looking for alternative facts. We have to have a baseline of fact and fiction in this country, or you can’t have political debate. We can’t go to Congress and have good policies because we don’t even agree what’s actually happening in the real world."

So the big threat to democracy is people who think outside of the mainstream media line.
Or is it that some people will tell lies about politics?

The answer for that is that people have enough sense to figure out what is true and to interpret it for themselves, whether it comes from Russian trolls or CNN. If people can’t do that then yes, democracy is in trouble.

Evidence or not, it provides a convenient excuse to feed to the mob. Can’t let the faithful start thinking there are faults with there ideas, nope…we failed because of those dupes that betrayed us.

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Question:You think that it was successful. And, in fact, you specifically write that Putin, that Russia helped give Trump Michigan and Wisconsin and, therefore, the presidency. What’s your proof of that?

Answer: Just from my analysis of watching it and looking at the votes. Essentially, those were the two closest contests in the United States.
Those two states were states that Russia may very well have won because of several different factors. One, Bernie Sanders performed better than Hillary Clinton during the primaries in those two states, which was a surprise. The narrative that Bernie Sanders got a raw deal from the DNC came 100 percent from a Russian action."

Ok. He is, of course, talking about the emails showing how the DNC was working for Hillary. So at one point he is saying that the greatest threat is putting out false facts. And here he is saying that the greatest threat from the Russians, the one he “analyzes” as giving Trump the election, is that the Russians made the truth available.

So is fake news or true news the greater threat?

And you know all about creative objectivity?

Whether it’s a need or result of conditioning…the end result is the same, they’ll keep projecting their own flaws on those that don’t tow the line in order to maintain the delusion.

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Or wikleaks

That’s exactly it.

This person is supposed to have some authority, I suppose, because he is a former intelligence analyst. And how did he determine that the Russians gave the election to Trump?

You think that it was successful. And, in fact, you specifically write that Putin, that Russia helped give Trump Michigan and Wisconsin and, therefore, the presidency. What’s your proof of that?

Just from my analysis of watching it and looking at the votes. Essentially, those were the two closest contests in the United States.

You have to wonder if this is the sort of garbage that Brennan and Clapper used to “analyze” and send their results to the FBI, starting this whole thing.

The best part of that is they call voters dupes.

Some of you laughing the hardest at the notion of mind hacking are on here every day blindly posting absurd deflections and talking points in service to an administration that has completely hijacked your minds.

It’s been their playbook for as long as I can remember. “We failed because you were too stupid to support us”.

That’s why we didn’t get president Kerry, he was too nuanced for us mere neanderthals to truly get.


Exactly. That’s the Vanguard.

Yeah, they’re special that way.

Right on!

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Until somebody released that, although it was “B student Bush” it was “C student Kelley”.

Has Hillary ever forgiven white women?

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I put this in part to read the trumpbots reaction…so far as expected

They don’t see it because they can’t see as I have said before and I’m quoting myself now.

What is genius about Trump and co. is their ability to co-opt the issues and make them their own:

-Yes there is fake news, but is coming from the mainstream media

-Yes there was Russian influence, but it was to help Hillary

-Yes the FBI has been politicized but it was done by Obama hold overs to bring down Trump

-Yes there is bias in the DOJ, but its against Republicans

-Yes the State Dept is in disarray, but that’s because Hillary corrupted it

Their basic MO is Distract, Distort, Report and it works, “conservatives” have been fed a steady diet for decades now that government is the problem and so it was a natural fit.

You distort the baseline of truth and tweak it just enough to blur it.

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Sure you did.

Everything on your list is the government. You deny the government is the problem?