Rules update July 1, 2020

The rules have been updated. Please take a moment to view any changes that may affect you. Thanks!

Are there some bullet points about what changed you can provide?

If you open up the rules and hit the little edit pencil at the top by the number 4 it will show you what changed in the edit.

Thank you. Very helpful.

You can do that with any post that has been edited. Don’t ask me how long it took me to figure it out. :wink:

I’d guess I assumed that I could only see my own edits, never realized you could see them by others.

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This is fair. :+1:

“Twitter links from prominent people conveying their message are acceptable. If a Twitter link with an embedded article link is used in place of the article, it will be deleted. Link the article itself along with a synopsis. This platform will not be used to promote Twitter handles. This is a discussion board. If you share someone’s opinion from twitter, share YOUR opinion, and leave theirs on twitter”

That’s been there at least 6 months. Lol. But y’all weren’t notified of that change.

Hopefully, this method of notification is pleasing. If you have read the updates, you can exit the blue banner so it no longer appears.