Rubio: 'No evidence' that corporate tax cut is overwhelmingly benefiting workers

The you should be ecstatic in NY and have no problem with the taxes. :grinning:

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The business channel is calling him an idiot this morning too.

“Big government” is a nonsense phrase.

I have no problem paying taxes to NYS or my county and school district.

I have no problem paying higher Fed taxes either.

My only problem is what, under this bill, increased tax cuts are being used for. Neither corporations nor the extremely wealthy need a tax break.

I also feel sorry for the people who are only getting meager tax cuts while the rich and corps are making out like bandits.

Rubio is just pointing out the lies we were told in order to get the tax cuts passed.

Of course business types are going to be upset about that

Corporate tax cuts have led to a rapidly expanding economy with many new jobs. I made a great living working for a corporation and realize they are not “evil”.

Funny that 2.3% GDP is now considered a “rapidly expanding economy.”

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It will be a 3 to 4 percent average over the next 7 years. Also the interest rates have been hiked 4 times since Trump took office. If they had done that under Obama his anemic economy would have collapsed. :rofl:

Why are you just pulling ■■■■■■■■ numbers out of your ass?

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I am giving my opinions and forecast. Pretty much like you.

Just to be clear, I’m not complaining about tax cuts per se. I’mmostly pointing out the hypocrisy of people - like you - who complained about deficits for 8 years, and cheer and action that raises them 1.8T over 10 years.

That is hypocritical.

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No, I’m basing my stance on facts and reality. Save some massive technological breakthrough, there’s no evidence to support that our GDP growth will “be a 3 to 4 percent average over the next 7 years.”

Yes of course you are. :wink: We are so lucky to have a person of your vasssssssst knowledge on board to tell us what to tell us what to think about virtually everything.

I am grateful. :grinning:

Based on what?

Then you been getting special tax breaks that others living in different states weren’t getting.

(responding to thread in general).

If the definition of a “good” corporate tax cut is one in which

  • at least $0.60 of every dollar is,
  • in the first year,
  • paid out to workers as bonuses or pay increases
  • and the company mentions the tax cut in a press release
  • and a “collector” adds it to a list on the www,
    Then corporate tax cuts are always bad and never good.

Anyone from any state can claim the same deductions. That’s nonsense.

‘Special’ tax breaks? No - everyone can claim them. Nothing special about them at all.


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No it hasnt…nothing has changed…the GDP is the same and unemployment is at 4.1 still.