From the house of Tharg, first we had Stallone’s version of Dredd, then a gritty remake penned by Alex Garland and starring Karl Urban and now finally after a lifetime of waiting Rogue Trooper is set to go into production.
One of my all time favourite 2000ad strips, Rogue Trooper is the story of the GIs (Genetic Infantryman) who were all wiped out on their first deployment onto Nu-Earth. Rogue is the only survivor with his three buddies who were killed but their biochips survive and inserted into Rogues helmet, backpack and gun. Instead of returning to Mili-Com Rogue goes rogue and criss crosses Nu Earth looking for the traitor general.
This was an absolutely stonking sci-fi war story that had an outstanding script by Gerry Finley Day and art by Dave “Watchmen” Gibbons.
I highly recommend picking up the graphic novel reprints available on Amazon.